The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Best Days" the performer of the song "Miyagi"

Our hearts were drawn, the sky was on fire,

Summer was in full swing, love kept us warm.

From dawn till dawn, baby girl,

We're young, we're children of the wind.

Mountains around, energy in joules.

Night fell, we won't close our eyes.

The Nile rivers flow, we dance in a crowd.

Feelings burned, love swept over.

In a drunken haze, we blow smoke plumes.

Mom, don't wait up, don't worry!

All my brothers are with me, rastafaray.

Take off your masks, fly over the city!

Let's ignite, ignite our hearts!

The alarm bells are ringing, we're not online.

The sky is sparkling, let's go to the stars!

Cheap goodbyes, we don't need those here!

Cherish time like a mother her child!

We had so little,

It's crowded, you're so beautiful!

Kissing your lips, my strongest high.

Don't you know, wonderful life.

We're tipsy, we're rocking.

Don't stop, we're blowing up the planet.

Lost our minds, sessions for days.

Megabombastic, comforted by summer.

Press play!

We gonna fly far far away.

Best days,

Baby, we got them, we cannot wait.

Time changes, fate tests us.

The tribe changes, knocks us down like a wedge.

The support beams creak, nicotine smokes.

Spin your web, your whole life is ahead!

Heaven's punishment, no thanks, we don't need it!

Closer to love, which was lacking.

The sunset is visible, our eyes are burning.

Your scent drives me crazy.

Baby, do not cry, rastafaray.

Hey, Marley, sing along with us!

While we're here dancing, dancing and caressing.

We live once, just like in a fairy tale.

We steal happiness, we saddle the Pegasus.

Feel your heart, feel the love!

We'll melt all the ice, we're walking on the edge.

You and I, like Bonnie and Clyde.

Манили сердца, небо горело,

Лето в разгаре, нас любовь грела.

С утра до утра, девочка бэйба,

Молоды мы, мы - дети ветра.

Горы вокруг, энергия джау.

Ударила ночь, не закроем глаза.

Текут реки Нила, танцуем толпой.

Чувства горели, накрыла любовь.

В пьяном угаре клумбы дыма мы валим.

Мама не жди, не переживай!

Со мною все братья, растафарай.

Маски снимай, над городом флай!

Давай зажигай, сердца зажигай!

Набаты стучат, мы не онлайн.

Небо искрится, к звездам давай!

Дешевым goodbye, нам таких тут не надо!

Береги время, как мать свое чадо!

Весьма мало нам было,

Тесно, ты так красива!

В губы целую, сильнейший мой кайф.

Тебе ли не знать, wonderful life.

Мы навеселе, качаем.

Don’t stop, планету взрываем.

Теряли рассудок, сутками session.

Мегабомбастик, летом утешен.

Press play!

We gonna fly far far away.

Best days,

Baby, we got them, we cannot wait.

Время меняет, судьба так пытает.

Племя меняет, как клин вышибает.

Опора стропил, дымит никотин.

Тяни паутину, вся жизнь впереди!

Кара небес, давай, нам не надо!

Ближе к любви, чего не хватало.

Виден закат, горят так глаза.

Твой аромат, меня сводит с ума.

Baby, do not cry, растафарай.

Эйоу, Марлей, ты нам подпевай!

Пока мы тут в танце, пляски ласки.

Живем один раз, прямо как в сказке.

Счастье воруем, пегаса оседлаем.

Чувствуй сердце, любовь ощущай!

Растопим весь лед, мы ходим по краю.

Я и ты, как Бонни и Клайд.

In the song "Best Days", Miyagi conveys the feeling of euphoria and carefree that is characteristic of youth and summertime. The lyrics are imbued with images of fun, love, and a thirst for life.

The first lines paint a picture of a summer night filled with passion and carefreeness: "Hearts beckoned, the sky burned, Summer was in full swing, love warmed us." The lyrical hero, referring to his beloved "baby girl," emphasizes their youth and freedom: "We are young, we are children of the wind."

The image of "joule energy" reflects the frantic rhythm of their life, and the phrase "Night struck, we won't close our eyes" speaks of the desire to prolong the moment of happiness and enjoy every second.

Miyagi uses metaphors to convey the power of feelings: "The rivers of the Nile flow, we dance in a crowd. Feelings burned, love covered us." At the same time, the mention of "flowerbeds of smoke" and the phrase "Mom, don't wait, don't worry!" hint at the recklessness and rebelliousness of youth.

The chorus of the song is a hymn to freedom and finding your way. The images of "the sky sparkling towards the stars" and the call "Come on light up, light up your hearts!" symbolize the pursuit of happiness and self-realization. The rejection of "cheap goodbyes" emphasizes the value of true feelings and moments.

The second part of the song takes on a more philosophical tone. There are motifs of the transience of time ("Time changes, fate tries so hard") and the inevitability of change ("The tribe changes, like a wedge knocks out").

Despite the difficulties, the lyrical hero does not lose optimism and urges us to value life: "Pull the web, your whole life is ahead!". He seeks support in love ("Closer to love, what was missing") and finds solace in being close to his beloved: "Your scent drives me crazy."

The ending of the song is imbued with love of life and faith in the best. The images of "dance", "fairy tale", "Pegasus" create an atmosphere of magic and happiness. The lyrical hero is ready to overcome any obstacles for the sake of love, like Bonnie and Clyde.

In general, the song "Best Days" is an ode to youth, love and freedom. Miyagi masterfully conveys the atmosphere of summer euphoria and thirst for life, and also touches upon the eternal themes of time, fate and finding one's place in the world.

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