The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Babylon" (Vavilon) the performer of the song "Miyagi"

## Translation:


At the starting of the week.

At summit talks you'll hear them speak.

It's only Monday.

Negotiations breaking down.

See those leaders start to frown.

It's sword and gun day.

Tomorrow never comes until it's too late

Verse 1:

Sleep is gone, thoughts are out,

Life for me is Babylon.

Bow to the music, with rhymes, with cartridges,

I will load my convolutions.

If you don't believe, like me, run from me,

I didn't guess the pain, how and where to find myself.

I just had to get up and go,

I saw the stars during the day, they told me to swim.

And no matter how much time doesn't want it - You can't kill the Eternal!

The streets gave mud, teeming with evil.

We will kill fear, we will break through,

As for me, there is no world like this -

And we have no right to be mistaken and come up with an answer.

No matter how much you want to speak with your will,

The one who wants to hear you will hear you, who wants to win.

This is an eternal war between man and money,

We exchange gold for something that we can never buy.


At the starting of the week.

At summit talks you'll hear them speak.

It's only Monday.

Negotiations breaking down.

See those leaders start to frown.

It's sword and gun day.

Tomorrow never comes until it's too late

Verse 2:

And we walked through the fields, the wind will stroke this essence,

Spread it to the cities. Don't wait for good, someday I will see.

The bright horizon will give me everything you have dreamed of for a long time -

And the world will not see peace, but...

We are called to save sick souls and morals,

I wish we could fly high above this world.

The legacy of the ages, not to spill to the end,

To break free from the shackles, but.

It's not so easy to change the muddy vision of people,

But we have to try again, again, again, again, again.

Passwords, wires carried me through the cities,

I am with this muse forever, but.

The streets are demons, chasing time

And whether they believed it or not, at large or behind walls,

Those heads that are stuffy will not wake up the first one in themselves.

Chorus x2:

At the starting of the week.

At summit talks you'll hear them speak.

It's only Monday.

Negotiations breaking down.

See those leaders start to frown.

It's sword and gun day.

Tomorrow never comes until it's too late


At the starting of the week.

At summit talks you'll hear them speak.

It's only Monday.

Negotiations breaking down.

See those leaders start to frown.

It's sword and gun day.

Tomorrow never comes until it's too late

[Куплет 1]:

Пропал сон, мысли вон,

Для меня житуха - Вавилон.

Музыке поклон, рифмами, патронами,

Я буду заряжать извилины.

Если ты не веришь, как и я, от меня беги,

Я боли не гадал, как и где мне себя найти.

Просто надо было подниматься и идти,

Я видел звезды днем, они велели плыть.

И как бы не хотело время - Вечного вам не убить!

Улицы дарили грязь, кишили злом.

Мы будем убивать страх, будем двигать на пролом,

Как по мне, так мира сего нет -

И мы не в праве заблуждаться и придумывать ответ.

Как бы ты не хотел имея волю говорить,

Услышит тот тебя, что хочет слышать хочет победить.

Это же вечная война человека и бабла,

Меняем золото на то, что не купить нам никогда.


At the starting of the week.

At summit talks you'll hear them speak.

It's only Monday.

Negotiations breaking down.

See those leaders start to frown.

It's sword and gun day.

Tomorrow never comes until it's too late

[Куплет 2]:

А мы гуляли по полям, погладит ветер эту суть,

Разнесёт по городам. Добра не жди, когда-нибудь увижу.

Светлый горизонт подарит мне всё то, о чем мечтали вы давно -

И миру мира не видать, но...

Мы так-то призваны спасать больные души и мораль,

Вот бы нам взять и полетать над этим миром высоко.

Наследие веков, не расплескать бы до конца,

Освободится от оков, но.

Не так-то просто поменять мутное видение людей,

Но надо пробовать опять, опять, опять, опять, опять.

Пароли, провода меня несли по городам,

Я с этой музой навсегда, но.

Улицы демоны, в погоне за временем

И верили или не верили, на воле или за стенами,

Те головы, что запрели не разбудят в себе первого.

Припев [x2]:

At the starting of the week.

At summit talks you'll hear them speak.

It's only Monday.

Negotiations breaking down.

See those leaders start to frown.

It's sword and gun day.

Tomorrow never comes until it's too late

In his song "Babylon," Miyagi draws a parallel between modern society and the biblical Babylon – a place of chaos and misunderstanding. The lyrical hero feels lost in this world, where money and power reign, and people have forgotten how to listen to each other.

The chorus of the song paints a picture of hopelessness: the beginning of the work week, summit talks that inevitably reach an impasse, aggression, and the threat of war ("sword and gun day"). The phrase "Tomorrow never comes until it's too late" emphasizes the feeling of hopelessness and the inevitability of a sad ending.

In the verses, the hero talks about his struggle with this world. He finds solace in music, which is like a weapon for him ("with rhymes, with cartridges"). He is not afraid to go against the grain, even if it means being alone. The world, in his opinion, is saturated with evil and falsehood ("The streets gave dirt, teeming with evil"). People chase material things, forgetting about true values.

However, despite the pessimistic mood, the hero does not lose hope. He believes that it is in his power to change the world for the better, to "save sick souls," to open people's eyes to the true state of affairs.

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