The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Dort Wo Giganten Wohnen" by the artist "Untoten"

In the song "Dort Wo Giganten Wohnen" ("Where Giants Dwell") by Untoten, the lyrical hero contemplates themes of isolation, loss, and the pursuit of freedom while observing the world from a detached perspective.

The very first lines create a sense of alienation: the world seems small from the height of a spaceship, the hero is far away from it, both physically and emotionally. His "refuge" is not a place of peace, but a space of inner turmoil, hinting at an internal struggle and complex emotions.

The lines about the "legacy of blood" and the instability of the path ("we tread unsteadily, fall and remain alone") can be interpreted as reflections on the burden of the past, attempts to find one's place in a world fraught with mistakes and loneliness.

This is followed by a categorical denial of the past and the world associated with it. From it, according to the hero, only "sadness and crime" will remain. Perhaps this reflects his experience of trauma or disappointment, a desire to break with the past and start a new life.

The image of a "dream shining in the sun" and a "new pair of wings" symbolizes the hope for freedom and transformation. The hero seeks to break free from the shackles of the past, the "red web" that may represent the commitments, relationships, or memories that bind him.

He realizes that the path to freedom is thorny and leads "deeper into the swamp," and the past, despite all efforts, is not so easy to forget. The image of "the sky that is not yet open" can be interpreted as a metaphor for an unattainable ideal, and the phrase "burying what is most dear under eternal ice" as the need to part with something dear for the sake of achieving freedom.

The hero addresses someone who is "so far away," perhaps a past love or his former self. The "giants" who live in this distant place can be both external forces and internal demons that the hero must confront.

The final lines emphasize the tragedy of the situation: immortality turns into an "unbearable fate," values ​​lose their significance, and the search for meaning is doomed to failure. The hero is doomed to eternal loneliness: "you will still be left alone."

Im Sternschiff, von hier oben ist eure Welt so klein

Wo Seelenstürme toben soll meine Zuflucht sein

Das Erbe meines Blutes soll unbefestigt sein

Wir taumeln und wir fallen und bleiben doch allein

Von euch wird nichts mehr bleiben

Und nichts von eurer Welt

Nur Trauer und Verbrechen

Auf sich allein gestellt

Mein Traum glänzt in der Sonne

Ein neues Paar von Flügeln

Kommt nichts und niemand mehr

Meiner Freiheit hinterher

Ein feines rotes Netz verändert meinen Flug

Bleibt reglos und dort unten und kriegt doch nie genug

Bei jedem Schritt versinken wir noch tiefer im Morast

Hast beinah schon vergessen was du verloren hast

Der Himmel ist noch unentdeckt und keiner von uns weiß

Das Liebste zu begraben unter ewigem Eis

Doch du bist so weit weg von mir, der Weg würd sich nicht lohnen

Doch du bist so weit weg von mir, dort wo Giganten wohnen

Zuweilen ist Unsterblichkeit ein unerträglich Los

Die Dinge, die wir lieben, erscheinen viel zu groß

Du gräbst die weiche Erde um und stößt nur auf den Stein

Egal was du dort finden magst, du bleibst doch ganz allein

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