The meaning of the lyrics of the song "You won't catch me at a pop concert." (Ne zamanisch menya na estradnyiy koncert) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

You won't lure me to a variety concert,

Nor to a Western film about cowboys:

The final match for the USSR championship -

We have to root for both of them today!

So please: don't wake me up in the morning -

I won't wake up to a horn or a siren -

I've been sick for a long time, and today I will die

At the Central Sports Arena.

I will be dying - carry me

Through agony and convulsions

Through the western sector, then on a horse -

And carry me until my pulse stops.

But please: don't wake me up in the wind -

I won't wake up like Juliet on stage -

I'm going to die today anyway

At the Central Sports Arena.

Carry me so that no one whispers:

Someone died - well, that's okay -

Bury me in the center circle,

Or no - on the goalkeeper's line!

...Yes, I lie in the center circle on the grass,

Sending curses to Pashka Vilenev, -

But on the other hand, all the players run over me,

Like goosebumps used to run down my body.

I see the whole development of fast attacks,

I catch the goalkeeper in a fake, -

I see everything - and now I don't shout like a fool:

Like, "Referee, go jump in a lake!" or something like that...

So please: don't wake me up in the morning,

Don't dig deeper than half a meter, -

Otherwise I will die a second death -

Like someone who died twice at the front.

Не заманишь меня на эстрадный концерт,

Ни на западный фильм о ковбоях:

Матч финальный на первенство СССР -

Нам сегодня болеть за обоих!

Так прошу: не будите меня поутру -

Не проснусь по гудку и сирене,-

Я болею давно, а сегодня - помру

На Центральной спортивной арене.

Буду я помирать - вы снесите меня

До агонии и до конвульсий

Через западный сектор, потом на коня -

И несите до паузы в пульсе.

Но прошу: не будите меня на ветру -

Не проснусь как Джульетта на сцене,-

Все равно я сегодня возьму и умру

На Центральной спортивной арене.

Пронесите меня, чтоб никто ни гугу:

Кто-то умер - ну что ж, все в порядке,-

Закопайте меня вы в центральном кругу,

Или нет - во вратарской площадке!

...Да, лежу я в центральном кругу на лугу,

Шлю проклятья Виленеву Пашке,-

Но зато - по мне все футболисты бегут,

Словно раньше по телу мурашки.

Вижу я все развитие быстрых атак,

Уличаю голкипера в фальши,-

Виже все - и теперь не кричу как дурак:

Мол, на мыло судью или дальше...

Так прошу: не будите меня поутру,

Глубже чем на полметра не ройте,-

А не то я вторичною смертью помру -

Будто дважды погибший на фронте.

In his song "You Won't Lure Me to a Variety Concert", Vladimir Vysotsky employs hyperbole and dark humor to convey the intense passion and dedication of a football fan. The lyrical hero is so obsessed with the upcoming match that he is ready to die right at the stadium, just not to miss a single second of the game.

Death at the "Central Sports Arena" is not a tragedy for him, but the highest form of unity with his beloved game and team. He asks to be carried through the stands, laid on the field, buried "in the center circle" or "in the penalty area".

Even after death, the hero continues to watch the match, becoming a part of the stadium, feeling the running footballers like "goosebumps on his body". He sees all the nuances of the game, but no longer shouts at the referees, accepting all the twists and turns of the match with the wisdom of a "dead man".

In the lyrics of the song, one can see not only irony and grotesque, but also a deep metaphor. Football for the hero is not just a game, but a whole life, a passion that overshadows everything else. His "death" at the stadium is a metaphor for complete dissolution in the game, merging with its atmosphere and energy.

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