The meaning of the lyrics of the song "In Unserer Mitte" by the artist "Weto"

Weto's poem "In Unserer Mitte" ("Among Us") is a moving reflection on death and memory. The lyrical voice contemplates the passing of a loved one, possibly at a funeral.

The first stanza sets the overall atmosphere of grief and emptiness. The day feels "colder" and "emptier" due to the loss. The image of people in black – a typical symbol of mourning – only emphasizes the speaker's loneliness.

The second stanza amplifies this feeling of isolation. Despite the presence of other mourners, the speaker feels "alone" with their thoughts and the finality of death.

The third stanza shifts the focus to the deceased. The speaker directly addresses them, wondering about their current state. This image of the deceased lying "alone" evokes a sense of unease and uncertainty.

The fourth stanza reveals the speaker's main fear: the fear of being forgotten. They are afraid that the memory of the deceased will fade quickly, and the mourners will move on with their lives, leaving them behind.

The final three stanzas offer consolation and promise. The speaker assures the deceased that they will always live on in their hearts. The image of the "sun shining within" symbolizes eternal memory and love. Even though life may scatter loved ones across the world, the deceased will always be with them spiritually, in their memories and hearts.

Therefore, Weto's poem is not just about mourning a loss but also a powerful affirmation of the enduring power of memory and love that can transcend death.

Es ist ein Tag wie jeder andere

Und doch hat man das Gefühl,

Dass er ein wenig kälter ist,

Leerer als die zuvor.

Überall Menschen in Schwarz,

Doch trotzdem fühlt man sich allein,

Mit Dir und sich und dem Gedanken

Der Endgültigkeit.

Der Blick zu Dir fällt schwer,

Wie Du da vorn alleine liegst,

Und man fragt sich dumpf dabei,

Wie Du Dich wohl gerade fühlst.

Vielleicht hast du eben Angst,

Dass wir, die wir hier oben stehen,

Dich viel zu schnell vergessen

Und der eigenen Wege gehen.

Doch was immer auch passiert,

Du kannst dir völlig sicher sein –

Für Dich wird in uns drin

Ewig die Sonne scheinen.

Bleibst nie allein im Dunkel,

du wirst in unserer Mitte sein.

Und falls die Zukunft uns

In alle Winde wird verteilen,

Dich kann man uns nicht nehmen,

du wirst in unserer Mitte sein.

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