The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Taxidermy" by the artist "White Lies"

The song "Taxidermy" by White Lies paints a dark picture of family relationships poisoned by lies, fear, and possibly violence. The lyrical hero, whose voice we hear, is a deeply traumatized person, perhaps even dead, as hinted at by the line "Hang me on the wall above the fireplace," referring to the practice of taxidermy, preserving bodies after death.

The phrase "Keep your promises" sounds mocking, emphasizing the hypocrisy and emptiness of words in an atmosphere of total distrust. The hero remembers the chilling voice of his father ("I still remember your voice, it makes my blood run cold") and how he dictated his rules ("do what your father says").

The image "Your soul is still in these walls, like taxidermy" is multifaceted. On the one hand, it suggests that the past does not let go, and even after the death of the father ("Your soul is still in these walls"), his presence is felt in the house, like a lifeless, but frighteningly realistic figure of a stuffed animal. On the other hand, perhaps the hero himself has become a hostage to this atmosphere, unable to break free from the shackles of the past.

The phrase "Baby, don't count on a kiss from life" sounds like a bitter warning. Life spares no one, and "a kiss from life" - a metaphor for love, tenderness, luck - is not for everyone. The lines "When your heart jumps into your throat, and a gun is held to your head" heighten the atmosphere of hopelessness, despair, impasse.

The call to "burn money in the fireplace" is a call to rebellion, to the destruction of the usual way of life, to the rejection of false values ​​("You keep telling white lies to little children"). "It's time for them to know what it means to live" is a call to awakening, to giving up illusions.

The final verses introduce the image of the mother ("Your mother has been crying for years"), who may also have been a victim of tyranny. "I saw you running from the cold of my hands… leaving ice in my heart" - the hero recalls the breakdown of the relationship, his pain and misunderstanding.

The final lines "You can't wipe the smile off my face" and "Our gazes will haunt these walls like taxidermy" sound ominous. The hero has achieved a kind of triumph, his image frozen in an eternity of reproach and accusation, turning into another exhibit in this eerie gallery of family secrets.

Hang me up on your wall, above the coal fire,

Keep your promises, keep your promises,

Hang me up on your wall,

You're such a cold liar, do what your father says,

What your father says

I still remember your voice, it turns my blood cold,

The kids are fast asleep, keep them fast asleep,

Your soul still haunts these walls, like taxidermy

There's no kiss of life's, no baby, don't pretend

With your heart in your throat and a gun to your head

You can burn the money in the fireplace,

You keep on telling white lies to the little kids,

I think it's time they knew just what it means to live,

You can burn your parents in the fireplace

I saw you run from the cold, out of my arms,

Your mother cried for years, she cried for years,

I saw you run through the cold, put ice in my heart,

Now tell me all your fears, I'll be your greatest fear

You couldn't cut the smile from my face

Cause we're so proud today, we're so proud today,

Our eyes will haunt these walls, like taxidermy

There's no kiss of life's, no baby, don't pretend

With your heart in your throat and a gun to your head

You can burn the money in the fireplace,

You keep on telling white lies to the little kids,

I think it's time they knew just what it means to live,

Now burn your parents in the fireplace

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