The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Hallelujah, I'm Mourning" by the artist "White Wives"

White Wives' "Hallelujah, I'm Mourning" paints a picture of profound grief and loss experienced by the narrator. The lyrics convey a sense of shock, disorientation, and despair in the wake of losing someone close, possibly to a heroin overdose ("And heroin's anomaly").

The recurring line "One day I'll catch up to you again, / One day I'll see you again" speaks to a hope for reunion after death, perhaps in the afterlife. Memories of singing together in the garage highlight the significance of the lost relationship and offer a source of comfort to the grieving narrator.

Imagery like wet eyes, shaky hands, and a stone face capture the intensity of the pain and suffering. The narrator grapples with grief, feeling lost and detached ("My body's moving, but it's on its own").

The lyrics also offer social commentary, likening modern society to the "Stanford Prison Experiment" and pointing towards issues of social inequality and isolation that can contribute to drug abuse and tragedy.

"Hallelujah, I'm mourning" carries a sense of bitter irony. "Hallelujah" traditionally expresses joy and praise, but here it's used in the context of grief, emphasizing the depth of despair and hopelessness.

My hands are shaking

My face is numb

This room is spinning

Seconds from throwing up

I'll catch you all again someday

I'll see you all again someday

I'll search this room with welling eyes

Curing god's name my mother cries

I'll catch you all again someday

I'll see you all again someday

I want to sing for you

The way you sang to me

On milk crates in our garage

When I was only 15

Well you couldn't have known it then

All you taught to me (it meant everything)

I'm insecure in the way I dress

I clean it up, I just make a mess

I'll catch you all again someday

I'll see you all again someday

My body's walking but it's working for itself

My teeth are grinding because I wanna give 'em hell

I'll catch you all again someday

I'll see you all again someday

I want to sing for you

The way you sang to me

On milk crates in our garage

When I was only 15

Well you couldn't have known it then

All you taught to me (it meant everything)

The faces that I see are so familiar

But the water in my eyes could age us all

Another decade of damaged circumstance

Truly does bring out the worst in romance

Hallelujah — I'm lazy

Hallelujah — I'm starving

Hallelujah — I'm crazy

Hallelujah — I'm mourning

The Standford prison project

Exposes social disconnect

It's still up and running

In every ghetto and housing project

Where the rule is the majority

And the heroin the anomaly

I never wanted to deal with this

No one should have to deal with this

I want to sing for you

The way you sang to me

On milk crates in our garage

When I was only 15

Well you couldn't have known it then

All you taught to me (it meant everything)

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