The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Le Train Du Tennessee" by the artist "Willie Lamothe"

In Willie Lamothe's song "Le Train Du Tennessee," the train becomes a metaphor for life, moving relentlessly through time and space.

The Image of the Train: The train from Tennessee, traveling through the night, embodies the flow of time, moving forward relentlessly. The "grey mountains" can be interpreted as the difficulties and trials encountered on the journey of life.

The Sound of the Whistle: The "sound of the whistle" that "wakes the inhabitants" symbolizes the inevitability of change and a reminder that time waits for no one. It breaks the silence, announces its arrival, and demands attention. It's a call to action, a summons to awaken.

Punctuality: The phrase "he always arrives on time" emphasizes the inevitability of fate and the cyclical nature of life. The train, like time, follows its schedule, never deviating from its set route.

Semaphore and Smoke: The semaphore with the red light, appearing at dawn, can be interpreted as a symbol of danger or warning. Perhaps it's a hint that every rise is followed by a fall, and every joy can be followed by sorrow. The smoke that "billows" is a visual image of movement and transformation, a reminder that nothing is permanent.

Cargo and Song: The "cargo" that the train loads "to the same song" symbolizes the experience accumulated throughout life. The "song" can represent the unchanging nature of humanity, the repetition of life cycles.

The Train's Cry: The "cry of the Tennessee train" that ends the song leaves a feeling of sadness and nostalgia. It is a farewell, an echo of something passing, but also a reminder that life goes on.


"Le Train Du Tennessee" is a philosophical sketch, a poetic look at the passage of time and man's place in it. It speaks of the inevitability of change, the cyclical nature of life, and the importance of every moment.

Le train du Tennessee qui roule dans la nuit

Avec sa marchandise dans les montagnes grises

Il lance dans les courbes le cri de son oua oua oua

Réveille les habitants il est toujours en temps

Quand il stoppe à l'aurore on voit le sémaphore

Remuer sa lumière rouge et la fumée qui bouge

Il charge sa cargaison sur la même chanson

Il repart dans un cri le train du Tennessee

Le train du Tennessee qui roule dans la nuit

Avec sa marchandise dans les montagnes grises

Il lance dans les courbes le cri de son oua oua oua

Réveille les habitants il est toujours en temps

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