The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Summer of Roses / December Day" by the artist "Willie Nelson Buddy Cannon"

Willie Nelson and Buddy Cannon's "Summer of Roses / December Day" is a poignant reflection on the ephemeral nature of time and love. The speaker acknowledges the limited time with his beloved but cherishes every moment ("I'll only be with you a little while, darling, / But a little while is better than never at all"). He offers metaphorical gifts representing all seasons, from spring to winter, symbolizing his willingness to experience life's journey together.

The song takes a melancholic turn in the second part. "December Day" becomes a metaphor for the end of a relationship or perhaps even life itself. The speaker reminisces about a passionate spring and summer love, comparing it to a college where "green leaves of learning / Waited for the fall to fall." Autumn, with its "October tears," marks the fading of passion, inevitably leading to the coldness of "December Day."

Despite the sadness, the speaker clings to memories. His "memories hurry to the start of love," refusing to accept the inevitable end. The "end that never ends" can be interpreted as the enduring nature of memories or the perpetual ache of loss.

The song is replete with contrasts: summer roses juxtaposed with December's chill, youthful passion against fading autumn, joyful beginnings against inevitable endings. This contrast creates the song's depth, capturing the complex emotions of someone grappling with the preciousness of time and the fleeting nature of love.

A short time I have to be with you my love

But a short time is better than no time you see

So I bring to you all my posessions and would that you'd share them with me

I bring you one springtime of robins one springtime of robins to sing

And I bring you one summer of roses one summer of roses I bring

I bring you one autumn dry leaves dry leaves will be helpful you know

To soften the fall of your snowflakes when I bring you your winter of snow

This looks like a December day.

This looks like a "time to remember" day.

And I remember the spring, such a sweet tender thing.

And love's summer college

Where the green leaves of knowledge

Were waiting to fall with the Fall.

And where September wine,

Numbed the measure of time.

Through the tears of October, now November's over,

And this looks like a December day.

This looks like a December day.

It looks like we've come to the end of the way.

And as my memories race back to love's eager beginning,

Reluctant to play with the thoughts of the ending:

The ending that won't go away.

And as my memories race back to love's eager beginning,

Reluctant to play with the thoughts of the ending:

The ending that won't go away.

And this looks like a December day.

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