The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Regenbogen" by the artist "Wincent Weiss"

The song "Regenbogen" ("Rainbow") by German artist Wincent Weiss explores the theme of a complex, uncertain relationship, possibly on the verge of breaking up. The lyrical hero is torn between the desire to be close to his beloved and the realization that their connection is most likely doomed.

The first verse conveys a sense of confinement, of hopelessness: "From here to there, / From me to you, / Stay here - I'm there, / We're trapped here." The characters are as if locked in a labyrinth of their feelings, finding no way out.

The motif of duality, of being torn, continues in the second verse: "I'm in yours, you're in mine, / You're in mine, I'm in your arms. / You're sleeping, and I'm still, / And I'm still coming to my senses." The situation described is that of a morning awakening, where one has already woken up and the other is still in the power of sleep, symbolizing a serenity from which the hero cannot break away.

The third verse is filled with longing for the past, for a time when harmony reigned in the relationship: "Until the days become like they were before; / Until we see all the colors again / And the rain creates an arc, / A rainbow, / A rainbow, / Until the rain creates an arc, / A rainbow." The rainbow here acts as a metaphor for happiness, for the fullness of life to which the heroes aspire.

The fourth verse sounds like a call to action, to awakening: "Start - stop, / Let's go - let's stand. / Everything that has a beginning comes to an end. / Fire - wake up!" The hero realizes the need for change, for a way out of the vicious circle, but does not know how to do it.

The final lines bring us back to the image of an embrace, which in the context of the song takes on a double meaning: on the one hand, it is a symbol of closeness, and on the other, it is a symbol of dependence, of constraint from which the characters are unable to break free.

Von hier — nach da

Von mir — zu dir

Bleib hier — bin da

Sind hier gefangen

Ich in dein', du in mein',

Du in mein', ich in dein' Arm

Du am schlafen und ich immer,

Und ich immer noch hellwach

Ich in dein', du in mein'

Und wir zwei in unseren Armen

Du am träumen, ich am warten

Bis die Tage wieder werden

Wie sie früher mal waren

Bis wir die Farben wieder sehen

Und der Regen einen Bogen macht



Und der Regen einen Bogen macht


Fang an — hör auf

Von gehen — zu stehen

Aus an wird aus

Es brennt — wach auf!

Ich in dein', du in mein',

Du in mein', ich in dein' Arm...

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