The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Of My Demons" by the artist "Wings In Motion"
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This song by Wings, "Deliver Your Children," tells the story of a man facing hardships and injustice in life, but holding onto hope for a better future for his children.The first verse paints a picture of disaster, possibly a flood
The song "Live And Let Die" by Wings is a reflection on how a person's worldview changes under the influence of life experience.At the beginning of the song, the protagonist is young and naive
The song "Origins And Endings" by Winds Of Plague tells the story of a devastating invasion by supernatural forces and the subsequent response to it.The lyrics paint a picture of an apocalyptic event, beginning with the onset of an ominous time ("It begins as time takes hold / And brings a dead current")
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In "Left for Dead" by Winds Of Plague, the lyrical protagonist finds themselves in a desperate situation, betrayed and left for dead. The lyrics are filled with aggression, a fight for survival, and a thirst for revenge
In the poem "To New Lands.