The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Return of the Rat" by the artist "Wipers"

The song "Return of the Rat" by the American punk rock band Wipers is a social critique, a warning about the return of a destructive force represented by rats.

Rats in this case are a metaphor, representing negative phenomena, the vices of society. These can be corruption, lies, violence, lust for power, conformity - everything that destroys society from within.

"They are flocking from all over the country," the author says, emphasizing the scale of the problem, its spread in all spheres of life. "Return" hints that these problems already existed in the past, perhaps suppressed or hidden, but now they have broken free again.

Repeating the phrase "Return of the Rat!" reinforces the anxiety and fear of this force.

The author of the song does not just state a fact, he calls for action: "You better watch out, you better beware!" - he warns the listener.

The phrase "They better repent, they better confess everything!" sounds like a demand for repentance from those guilty of what is happening. "After all, they started this whole mess..." - the author claims, pointing to specific culprits.

"I know: I've seen them," he says, emphasizing his awareness and confirming the reality of the threat. These are not empty words, the author knows what he is talking about.

The song ends on an ominous note - "Return of the Rat!", leaving the listener in suspense and anticipation of trouble.

The song "Return of the Rat" is not just a song, it is a manifesto against injustice, lies and destruction. It is a call to fight, to awaken and resist.

Well you better watch out

Well you better beware

They're coming from all sides of the country

Return of the rat

Return of the rat

Return of the rat

Return of the rat

Return of the rat

Return of the rat

Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no...

They better confess


They started this mess

I know

I seen them do it

Now they'd better confess

Return of the rat

Песня более всего известна по кавер-версии группы Nirvana, неоднократно упоминавших Wipers в числе своих главных вдохновителей.

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