The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Black Waters" by the artist "WitchcrafT"

The poem "Black Waters" by WitchcrafT paints a bleak picture of the afterlife, where the lyrical hero finds himself trapped in his own sins and despair.

From the very first lines, an atmosphere of hopelessness is created: "You fell asleep in the damp earth...". Death is presented not as peace, but as a continuation of torment, where the hero realizes the futility of his past life. "Dark gentle waves" are a metaphor for oblivion and sin that have absorbed "the sins of all mankind". The question "Why are we here?" is addressed not only to the hero, but to all humanity, forcing us to think about the meaning of existence.

The image of "dark waters", keeping "the most mortal sins of mankind", emphasizes the gravity of what has been done and the inevitability of retribution. The phrase "And we have yours..." sounds like a sentence, depriving the hero of hope for redemption.

The weeping and grief of others are useless: "We mourned you endlessly, / And now this is what you pay for!". The hero remains alone, surrounded by "those who are still alive", doomed to eternal wanderings.

The appearance of Cerberus, the guardian of the underworld, emphasizes the impossibility of escape. The hero's cries are meaningless, he is surrounded by "spirits" who share his fate.

The "icy dark waters" offer the illusion of choice ("we open all paths to you"), but trap the hero in a trap of hopelessness: "But you have nowhere to sail."

The poem is striking in its atmosphere of hopelessness and suffering. It makes you think about the consequences of our actions and the fragility of human life.

You fell asleep under the soil

The whisper of your lips

Brings the thing

The life is vain

Dark tender waves keep all the sins

Of the humankind

They ask us "Why am I here?"

Under the black waters

Sleep the deadly human sins

And we have yours...

We covered you with eternal tears

It is your atonement

To be lost

Among the living beings!

Cerberus brought you here for long

Noone hear your scream

See, how many spirits!

We're numb black waters

We opened all the ways To run

But nowhere to sail...

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