The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Aquarius" by the artist "Within Temptation"

The song "Aquarius" by Within Temptation portrays the lyrical heroine experiencing a passionate and all-consuming romance with a mysterious force she calls Aquarius. This name refers to the zodiac sign known for its independence, passion, and unpredictability.

From the very first lines of the lyrics, the allure of Aquarius is palpable. "Your taste on my lips, your salty kisses" are metaphors describing the sensual and intoxicating experience of love. The heroine compares her beloved to the sea, which both frightens and beckons with its power: "I need you, Aquarius… The sea has set me free for you."

Those around the heroine see danger in this connection. They warn her that Aquarius will destroy her. But she is deaf to their warnings, blinded by passion and the desire to be with her beloved, even if it threatens her with death: "I don't notice the danger I should withstand, because of you I feel alive."

There is an internal conflict present in the lyrics. The heroine recognizes the destructive power of Aquarius, fears him, but at the same time cannot resist his power. The final lines of the song are a cry of despair and an admission of her dependence: "I crave you, Aquarius... You are my destiny until the end of time."

I hear your whispers

Break the silence and it calms me down.

Your taste on my lips,

Your salty kisses.

They say I'm seeking out the danger.

That one day you won't let me go,

I'll drown, you'll take me down.

I need you Aquarius,

Enchanted I will have to stay.

I feel you Aquarius,

Cause you the sea set me free.

You call to me Aquarius.

You call to me, you set me free.

I relinquish to your powers.

From your grasp, I just can't hide.

I missed the danger I had to conquer.

You made me feel alive.

They say I have to be aware,

That one day you won't let me go,

I'll drown you, you'll take me down.

I need you Aquarius,

Enchanted I will have to stay.

I feel you Aquarius,

Cause you the sea set me free.

You call to me Aquarius.

I long for you Aquarius.

I need to be with you again.

I fear you, Aquarius

My destiny until the end of time.

I need you Aquarius,

Enchanted I will have to stay.

I feel you Aquarius,

Cause you the sea set me free.

You call to me Aquarius.

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