The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Raise Your Banner" by the artist "Within Temptation"
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In Within Temptation's "Pearls of Light," the lyrics paint a picture of contrasts and searching. The lyrical protagonist is in a state of forgetfulness, caused by the "cruelty of his world
The song "Paradise (What About Us?)" by Within Temptation is a reflection on a lost paradise and the consequences of human actions.The lyrics are filled with images of destruction, disappointment, and cyclical nature of things
Within Temptation's "Pale" delves into a struggle with profound sadness and the search for strength to move on. The lyrics depict a world that feels different ("the world seems different now"), though nothing has objectively changed
The song "Our Solemn Hour" by Within Temptation is a cry for help addressed to the "Holy Spirit" in a moment of deep crisis and despair. The lyrical heroine is shocked by the speed and scale of the changes that have plunged the world into darkness ("solemn hour")
The song "Our Farewell" by Within Temptation tells a bittersweet story of parting, most likely between a dying mother and her child.The first verse paints a picture of grief and emptiness
This is the meaning of the lyrics to Never-Ending Story by Within TemptationThe song "Never-Ending Story" by Within Temptation explores the cyclical nature of history and humanity's place within it.The lyrics paint a picture of ever-changing epochs armies rise and fall, nations are built and crumble, buried beneath the sands of time