The meaning of the lyrics of the song "The Truth Beneath the Rose" by the artist "Within Temptation"
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Within Temptation's song "The Reckoning" depicts the struggle of a people against oppression and tyranny. The lyrical hero calls for resistance and retribution for the suffering inflicted
The song "The Purge" by Within Temptation speaks about an internal struggle with one's dark side and the pressure of the outside world. The lyrical heroine is in a state of deep despair and confusion, seeing no way out of her current situation
The song "The Last Time" by Within Temptation tells the story of a painful break-up with a person consumed by self-destructive behavior. The lyrical heroine tried for a long time to help him, to close her eyes to his "demons" - problems, addictions, negative traits
The lyrics of the song The Howling by Within Temptation tell the story of a group of people cornered by an unknown enemy. They are scared, feel like victims ("We've seen what you want, You've got us cornered"), and realize that giving up their pride ("Denial of vanity") could cost them their lives
Within Temptation's song "The Last Dance" tells a story about saying goodbye to a loved one and finding solace in memories. The heroine of the song is an allegorical figure, possibly an angel or the spirit of the deceased, who comes to the lyrical hero in a dream to ease his pain and help him move on
The lyrics of the song "The Heart of Everything" by Within Temptation tell a story about unwavering faith in oneself and one's inner strength, despite past mistakes and external pressure.The lyrical hero refuses to repent for their actions, believing that the true guilt lies with someone else