The meaning of the lyrics of the song "When I'm Gone" by the artist "Wiz Khalifa"
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Wiz Khalifa's "We Dem Boyz" is an anthem of hedonism and a boastful display of success. The lyrics are saturated with self-indulgence and abundant in slang typical of hip-hop culture
In "The Plan", Wiz Khalifa and Juicy J reflect on their journey to success, emphasizing that despite fame and fortune, they remain true to themselves.Wiz Khalifa starts by proclaiming himself the "realest", brushing off those who doubted him
In his song "Staying Out All Night", Wiz Khalifa depicts a carefree night filled with partying, alcohol, and marijuana. The lyrical hero, feeling the euphoria from champagne and the party atmosphere, decides to leave all his problems on the dance floor and give himself over to the fun
In the song "So High," Wiz Khalifa describes a typical day for him, saturated with marijuana use.From the very morning, he "lifts his spirits" by smoking, enjoying the process and his state of being high
Wiz Khalifa's "Say Yeah" is an anthem for partying, boasting about wealth and female attention. The lyrical hero, surrounded by his friends and beautiful women in a club, throws money around and enjoys the moment
The song "Roll Up" by Wiz Khalifa describes the dynamics of a relationship with a girl who has a boyfriend. He plays the role of the "side guy," always ready to come over at her beck and call when she's having relationship trouble