The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Incantation of the Red Order" by the artist "Wizardthrone"

The lyrics to "Incantation of the Red Order" by Wizardthrone depict a ritualistic summoning of an ancient and powerful deity from another dimension. The followers, calling themselves the "eternal servants of the Void," invoke an entity known as both Zantar'akhs and Kor-Taros.

This deity is described as a master of non-Euclidean geometry, capable of warping reality and existing beyond human comprehension. It lies dormant in an "isomorphic tomb" for an eternity until awakened by the ritual.

The summoned god, angered by the intrusion, unleashes its might upon the mortals. It refers to them with disdain as "foul mortal refuse" and their existence as a "primitive subspace," highlighting the vast gulf between their realms.

The cult implores Zantar'akhs/Kor-Taros to annihilate the universe. Heeding their pleas, the deity unleashes its destructive power, described through complex mathematical and physics terminology, emphasizing its incomprehensibility to the human mind.

Ultimately, the lyrics paint a picture of an apocalyptic event where "trillions of life forms" perish in agony, signifying the triumph of chaos and destruction brought forth by the awakened deity.

"From forsaken dimensions unknown to man they come. Elder gods of non-euclidean realms, ancient deities of the Red Order... arise!"

We call you forth into reality

Eternal servants of the Void

Great Xantar'ax, oh mighty Kor-tharos

Thy time has come, the summoning ritual begins

"Kor-tharos, lord of geometric elucidation, Xantar'ax, diviner of hyperspatial reality, I summon thee!"

I have come forth from my isomorphic tomb

For countless aeons hath I slumbered

I wield the power to warp reality

I am Riemannian geometry ascendant

"What fetid mortal scum dares summon me into this trivial dimensional plane? You know nothing of my fractal infinity! To the ancient Sumerians I was the lord Kor-tharos. In a multiverse beyond your feeble reckoning I am worshiped as the omni-deity Xantar'ax. But today...I am the bringer of your hyperbolic annihilation!"

We call you forth into reality

Eternal servants, Red Order of the Void

Great Xantar'ax, oh mighty Kor-tharos

We beseech thee, erase this insignificant universe from existence!




Hear the call, steel thy soul

Unleash the great unknown

A realm beyond your direst dreams.

Say the words, feel them burn

Lost hymn from distant worlds

Fade away into the dark...

Hypereliptic theta-functions abound

Inverting the cosmological constant

Collapsing the wave of 10 dimensional form

Reality shatters before my baleful gaze

Hear the call, steel thy soul

Unleash the great unknown

A blazing realm of shining screams.

Say the words, feel them burn

Lost hymn from distant worlds

Fade away into the dark...

"Behold, and hearken to the sublime enrapturing screams of a trillion lifeforms in exquisite eternal torment!"

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