The meaning of the lyrics of the song "At Daggers Drawn" by the artist "Wolf Down"

The lyrics of the song "At Daggers Drawn" by Wolf Down are saturated with a rebellious spirit and a call to fight against oppression, injustice, and fascism. The lyrical hero, using the pronoun "we", speaks on behalf of a group of people united by the desire for change and ready to fight for freedom.

The opening lines of the song express skepticism about the abstract notion of justice ("No justice, just us"). Hope is placed not on external forces but on their own actions, on the "moments of freedom" that they will create themselves. The phrases "the demons of our world will be crushed", "the demons of our world will face defeat" metaphorically denote the forces that hinder freedom and justice: these can be both specific political regimes or ideologies and abstract concepts such as oppression, inequality and violence.

The chorus "We are the daggers in the flesh of the state" is a vivid image of resistance to the system. A dagger is a hidden weapon used for a surprise attack. The authors of the song position themselves as a hidden threat to the existing order, a force ready for radical action. "The spirit of rebellion flows through our veins" emphasizes determination and uncompromisingness, and "The wolfpack is on the rise" indicates organization and readiness for collective action.

The lyrics of the song have a clear anti-fascist stance: "Fascist scum will not rule our streets". The authors unequivocally declare their irreconcilability to this ideology and their willingness to fight it with all their might.

The culmination of the song is the call "So listen to the silence – and deep within you'll hear the sound of thunder". This metaphor conveys the growing tension, the anticipation of imminent change. The thunder symbolizes an unstoppable force that will sweep away everything in its path. "In this moment of overthrow, when we take back the night" – the time of revolution, when the usual order of things will be destroyed. "Battle-hardened rebels, we will cleanse the streets" – the image of freedom fighters ready for decisive action.

The repeated repetition of the phrase "We will cleanse the streets" at the end of the song is a kind of battle cry, emphasizing determination and uncompromisingness. This is a call to action addressed to all who share the ideas of fighting for freedom and justice.

There is no justice, just us

Anticipating these moments of freedom

When the demons of our world will be beaten

When the demons of our world will be defeated

These moments of change

When our hearts beat strong with passion paired with rage

We're here to break the chains

We are the daggers in the flesh of the state

Total freedom they will not detain

The spirit of revolt rushing through our veins

Wolfpack picking up the pace

Solid stance, unflinching face

Fascist scum on our streets, no longer will prevail

Fascist scum off our streets, we'll fight them tooth and nail

We are the daggers in the flesh of the state

Total freedom they will not detain

We are the daggers in the flesh of the state

Our desires they will not restrain

All the demons of our world will be beaten

All the demons of our world will be defeated

Listen hard to silence

And you'll hear the thunder deep inside

In these moments of subversion

When we take back the night

Mutineers of the concrete

We will reclaim the streets

Reclaim the streets

Reclaim the streets

Reclaim the streets

Reclaim the streets

Reclaim the streets

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