The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Eroica" by the artist "Wolfpack Unleashed"

The lyrics of the song "Eroica" by Wolfpack Unleashed tell the tragic story of a musician losing his hearing. The lyrical hero experiences a deep existential drama, facing an incurable disease that takes away from him the most precious thing - the ability to hear and create music.

From the very first lines ("A silent curtain around me...") the author plunges the listener into an atmosphere of despair and hopelessness. The world around seems to freeze, devoid of colors and sounds. The loss of hearing for a musician is tantamount to death, "amputation of talent," "clouding of the mind." He acutely feels how the "music fades" and the "melodic notes have already been played."

Despite the despair, hope flickers within the hero. He finds solace in his own memories and inner experiences: "Those intonations that I can hear... are in my heart!" The music continues to live within him, nourishing his soul.

However, fear of the inevitable and despair prevail. The hero isolates himself from the world ("I hide in my room"), finding salvation only in creativity, creating his last "symphony of doom."

The repeating lines "My hearing is fading, my music is fading. Deafness is growing..." emphasize the inevitability of tragedy, enhancing the emotional impact.

The title of the song "Eroica" (translated from Italian - "heroic") acquires symbolic meaning. The hero struggles with fate, clinging to the remnants of hope, like a hero confronting the forces of evil. This is a story about fortitude, about devotion to art, about the tragedy of life in the face of the inevitable.

Silent veil is all around me.

Not a single noise.

I can't hear the bird's bright singing,

Nor somebody's voice!

Hopeless illness torments me.

I'm forced to face my fate.

Amputation of my talent,

Caving out my pate!

My hearing is fading,

My music is shading.

The deafness is growing,

Sweet notes are bowing!

Dices have rolled,

Darkness called (darkness called)...

Embracing the dark!

The only tones,

I can hear(I can hear)...

Are there in my heart!

Misanthropic being,

I am hiding in my room.

Fleeing into composition,

Symphony of doom!

My hearing is fading,

My music is shading.

The deafness is growing,

Sweet notes are bowing!

Dices have rolled,

Darkness called (darkness called)...

Embracing the dark!

The only tones,

I can hear (I can hear)...

Are there in my heart!

My hearing is fading,

My music is shading.

The deafness is growing...

My hearing is fading,

My music is shading.

The deafness is growing,

Sweet notes are bowing!

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