The meaning of the lyrics of the song "A New Starsystem Has Been Explored" by the artist "Wolfsheim"

The lyrics of Wolfsheim's "A New Starsystem Has Been Explored" tell the story of an astronaut experiencing an existential crisis after long journeys through the depths of space.

Loneliness and loss of self: "Is this really my face? I can't hear my voice!" - the hero faces a feeling of depersonalization, a loss of connection with himself. He seeks "fear" as confirmation of his humanity, as an anchor holding him back from completely dissolving into the vastness of space.

The beauty and terror of space: The verses about the "death of suns", painted in "hot, red" and "cold, blue" hues, convey the ambivalent feeling of space - admiration for its beauty and horror at its indifference and grandeur.

"Overdose of deep space": This phrase is the key to understanding the hero's condition. He is as if poisoned by the infinity and freedom of space, its "hopelessly lost" and "restless" grandeur.

Blind dream of humanity: The text criticizes humanity's desire to conquer space. The world is likened to a "shadow drawing," a "blind dream," behind which lie emptiness and disappointment.

The cyclical nature of time: The question "Did Time begin with a silent sound?" and the recurring line "I have to see fear, Otherwise it may never go away!" refer to the idea of the cyclical nature of time, the closed nature of human existence.

Ist dies noch mein Gesicht?

Ich hör' meine Stimme nicht!

Ich habe Angst zu sehen,

Dies könnte alles vergehen.

Mein Herz, es rast so schnell.

Dieser Schmerz so grell.

Welch' großer Sternenheld,

Des' Wort zu Staub zerfällt.

Ich hab' den Tod der Sonnen gesehen!

Sie waren von Rot so heiß...

So wunderschön!


Frei und zügellos


Verloren rettungslos

Ist dies der dumpfe Klang,

Mit dem die Zeit begann?

Ich habe Angst zu sehen

Sie könnte nie vergehen!

Die Welt ein Schattenbild,

Verlangen ungestillt.

Ein blinder Menschentraum,

Verloren in Licht und Raum.

Ich hab' den Tod der Sonnen gesehen!

Sie waren von Blau so kalt...

So wunderschön!


Tief und grenzenlos


Alt und ruhelos

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