The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Felsenfest" by the artist "Wolkenfrei"

The song "Felsenfest" ("Strong as a Rock") by the German band Wolkenfrei describes a deep and unbreakable bond between two people. The lyrical protagonist places complete trust in their partner, ready to follow them anywhere.

This unwavering faith is evident from the very beginning of the song: "You go ahead, and I follow you, / Because I completely trust you." The partner acts as a reliable guide through life, always making sure that the lyrical protagonist doesn't fall behind and feels comfortable.

At the same time, the relationship is not built on blind faith but on mutual attention and care: "No matter where we go, you look back, / To check, / If I can go any further / And where I am." It is important to note that the lyrical protagonist sees this care and the reflection of their smile in their beloved's eyes, which emphasizes the depth of their connection.

The chorus of the song is a hymn to their unbreakable love: "You and I - we are one, / We will hold on together strong as a rock." The comparison to a solid rock that withstands any adversity symbolizes the strength and longevity of their relationship. This metaphor is reinforced at the end of the song: "Even if the waves / Erase our tracks, / I will find you, / And you will find me."

In the following verses, the partner is compared to a compass pointing the right direction in life and a temple where the lyrical protagonist finds solace and acceptance: "You are my north when I get lost, / Always showing me the way… / You are my temple where I dwell. / You remind me / That I can be myself."

Ultimately, "Felsenfest" is a touching song about all-consuming love that provides a sense of security, support, and confidence in the future.

Du gehst voraus und ich folge dir,

Weil ich dir voll und ganz vertrau

Egal wohin, du drehst dich um,

Um nach zuseh'n,

Ob ich noch weiter laufen kann

Und wo ich bin

Und ich seh's in deinen Augen,

Wenn mein Lächeln darin spielt

Und ich kann's noch gar nicht glauben,

Dass du in meinem Leben bist

Du und ich, wir sind eins

Wir halten felsenfest zusammen,

Bis der letzte Stein zerfällt

Du und ich, für immer eins

Wir halten felsenfest zusammen,

Auch wenn der letzte Stein zerfällt

Du und ich

Du bist mein Norden, wenn ich mich verlier,

Zeigst mir immer meinen Weg,

Den Weg zum Ziel

Du bist mein Tempel, in dem ich wohn'

Du erinnerst mich daran,

Dass ich ich sein kann

Und ich seh's in deinen Augen...

Auch wenn die Flut

Unsre Spuren verwischt,

Ich finde dich

Und du findest mich

Du und ich, wir sind eins...

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