The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Wolke 7" by the artist "Wolkenfrei"

The song "Wolke 7" ("Cloud 9") by Wolkenfrei is a romantic anthem to love, freedom, and carefreeness. The lyrical heroine addresses her lover, expressing the full power of her feelings and describing the magic of the moment they share.

The first lines immediately immerse us in an atmosphere of complete understanding and unity: "You and I - we could be together - We understand each other blindly." The heroine feels that their connection is special, almost telepathic. The night atmosphere, the stars shining "beautifully for you and me" - everything speaks of romance and anticipation of something magical.

The phrase "Everything is set on love" hints at the heroine's courage and determination. She is ready to completely surrender to her feelings, take a risk and "look beyond the edge." "Cloud 9" becomes a metaphor for absolute happiness and freedom, available only to lovers. The image of an empty sky, where there is room only for their tent and "one sleeping bag," emphasizes the intimacy and fragility of their world.

The lovers not only enjoy the moment but also look to the future, making plans: "We pitch our tent in the sky and look at the world." The lyrical heroine feels protected in the arms of her beloved, he is a source of warmth and tranquility for her.

The image of the lonely moon serves as a contrast, emphasizing the value of their union. The heroine is happy to be part of "us," sharing her dream with her loved one.

The phrase "I want to take a risk tonight and look beyond its edge," repeated twice, speaks of a thirst for new sensations, a desire to expand the boundaries of reality, and experience something exceptional.

The song ends with the affirmation: "There's still room on cloud 9...". This phrase sounds like an invitation to share with them the feeling of happiness and boundless freedom that love brings.

Du und ich, das könnte geh'n,

Weil wir uns blind versteh'n

Alles ist perfekt heut' Nacht

Für uns gemacht

Alles steht auf Herzenszeit

Ich bin dazu bereit

Und die Sterne stehen gut,

Für dich und mich

Will heut' Nacht bis ans Limit geh'n

Und über alle Grenzen seh'n

Wolke 7 ist noch frei

Nur ein Schlafsack mit dabei

Wir sind jung, verrückt und frei

Wolke 7 ist noch frei

Nur der Himmel und wir zwei

Wolke 7 ist noch frei

Wir bauen uns ein Himmelszelt

Und schauen auf die Welt

Ich verliebt in deinem Arm,

Du hältst mich warm

Schau doch mal, der Mann im Mond,

Ob er da alleine wohnt

Und ich lebe meinen Traum,

Mit dir allein

Will heut' Nacht bis ans Limit geh'n

Und über alle Grenzen seh'n

Wolke 7 ist noch frei...

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