The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Maestro Bezdomny" by the artist "Wolna Grupa Bukowina"

The song "Maestro Bezdomny" by the Polish band Wolna Grupa Bukowina explores themes of creativity, loneliness, and hope for change. The lyrical hero, addressing the "homeless maestro," likely a writer or musician creating their work at night, expresses conflicting feelings.

On the one hand, he acknowledges the power of art: "They don't print such verses today... You don't believe it, but it's true." There's irony and bitterness in the suggestion that art may have lost its relevance in the modern world dominated by "personal depression." On the other hand, the hero encourages the "maestro" to keep creating: "So go ahead... Just go ahead."

The image of the "homeless" maestro is multifaceted. It may point to the artist's restlessness and alienation in society, or it may be a metaphor for inner freedom and independence from conventions.

The hero's desire to hear the "creak" and "cheerful tone" instead of "sadness" speaks to a yearning for change, for a brighter and more joyful existence. The image of "old windmills with the seal of sinful Don Quixotes" refers to a bygone era of romanticism and tilting at windmills, hinting that even in the modern world, there is room for ideals and fighting for a better future.

The recurring lines "The keys clatter long into the night, the night lamp burns till dawn" create an atmosphere of intense creative work, insomnia, and perhaps even obsession. The final words "Pity the silence, homeless maestro" can be interpreted in two ways. On the one hand, it may be a regret for the loss of peace and quiet, on the other – an acknowledgment of the value of creativity, which, despite all the difficulties, breaks the silence and fills the world with meaning.

Długo w nocy stukają klawisze,

Nocna lampka płonie do świtu.

Co pan pisze, maestro bezdomny?

Co pan pisze?

Dziś już takich wierszy nie drukują.

Każdy dźwiga osobną chandrę.

Pan nie wierzy, a jednak to prawda.

Pan nie wierzy...

To wszystko napisane w księgach,

Mamy nawet wiernych proroków.

Więc do przodu, maestro bezdomny,

Więc do przodu.

Zechciej słuchać za oknem zgrzyta,

Masowej pieśni ton wesoły.

Smutek proszę znika bezboleśnie.

Smutek proszę.

Z pejzażu wyszły stare wiatraki

Z pieczątką grzesznych Don Kichoci.

A myśmy przeszli do współczesnych,

A myśmy przeszli,

A myśmy przeszli,


Długo w nocy stukają klawisze,

Nocna lampka płonie do świtu.

Szkoda ciszy, maestro bezdomny.

Szkoda ciszy.

Długo w nocy stukają klawisze,

Nocna lampka płonie do świtu.

Szkoda ciszy, maestro bezdomny.

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