The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Sellout" by the artist "Word Alive, The"

The lyrics of "Sellout" by The Word Alive explore the themes of finding one's place in the world, battling inner demons, and yearning for acceptance.

The lyrical protagonist feels the pressure of society, which constantly judges and evaluates ("Waiting, waiting for judgment"). He seeks connection with others, understanding, and acceptance ("Waiting, waiting to make acquaintances, / Everyone's looking for someone!"). The phrase "I won't pretend it's not a drag to reconcile the irreconcilable" suggests that the protagonist tries to balance his desires with the expectations of others, even when it seems impossible.

He doesn't seek easy ways out or protection from life's challenges but strives for redemption, perhaps for past mistakes or wrong choices. The protagonist encourages us not to be afraid to look within ourselves, to "unravel the secrets" of our souls to find answers to our questions.

The recurring lines "Everyone's looking for someone" and "Everyone's looking for something" emphasize the universality of searching for one's place in the world, inherent in every human being.

The final lines of the song are filled with despair and pleading. The protagonist fears loneliness and oblivion ("Will I be remembered?"), he is ready for anything to regain the lost connection ("Just come back, just come back!"). The phrase "It's empty all around, and I've lost this fight" speaks of deep despair and a sense of defeat.

Waiting for waiting for conviction

Waiting for waiting for connection

Everybody is searching for someone!

I'm still searching for direction

I'm still trying to find my way out

I won't pretend that I'm alright with settling left and right

I'm not seeking protection

I'm just seeking redemption

Waiting for waiting for conviction

Waiting for waiting for connection

Everybody is searching for substance

Waiting for waiting for my outcome

Waiting for waiting for ascension

Everybody is searching for someone!

Don't get lost inside your head

Unlock the mysteries within

Unlock the mysteries!

Unlock the mysteries!

Waiting for waiting for conviction

Waiting for waiting for connection

Everybody is searching for substance

Waiting for waiting for my outcome

Waiting for waiting for ascension

Everybody is searching for someone!

You're searching for yourself!

You're searching for yourself!

Will they remember me?

Everything's empty but I see the light

I'll apologize

Just come back, just come back

Will you remember me?

Everything's empty and I lost the fight

I'll apologize

Just come back, just come back...

Just come back! Just come back!

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