The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Hush Little Baby" by the artist "Wretch 32"

In his song "Hush Little Baby," Wretch 32 tackles the sensitive topic of an unplanned pregnancy and the difficult choices it presents him and his partner.

The recurring motif of "hush little baby, don't you cry" carries a double meaning. On one hand, it can be interpreted as a plea to the unborn child, whom he fears bringing into the world. On the other, it could be directed at his own anxieties and doubts.

The lyrical protagonist is torn between love for his partner and the fear of responsibility. He confesses his insecurities, financial instability, and lack of confidence in his ability to be a good father and provide for a child. He is plagued by guilt, questioning his capabilities, and admits his first thoughts were of the worst-case scenario – abortion.

Adding to the pressure is the judgment from his surroundings: his family considers him a "bad seed," while the advice he receives is contradictory and only amplifies his confusion.

Despite the overwhelming doubts, the protagonist clings to hope. He speaks of his love for his partner, his desire to be with her and the child. The line "I gotta say goodbye before I say hello" highlights the tragedy of the situation, yet also his will to fight for his happiness.

The song does not offer answers but rather exposes the complex range of emotions and anxieties of a man faced with a life-altering decision.

Hush, little baby,

Don't you cry.

I said, hush, little baby,

Don't you cry.

I said, hush, little baby,

Don't you cry,


I said, hush, little baby,

Don't you cry.

I'm saying, hush, little baby,

Don't you cry.

Daddy ain't sure he can raise you right,

I ain't even good with saving my money,

Why should I think I could save your life?

The whole family's gonna think I'm a devil,

Cah, I don't want to see my angel's eyes.

I say this with one hand on my heart,

Guilt ain't gonna make me change my mind.

My first thoughts were the worst thoughts

Running round my head in circles.

The world's gonna hate me for saying this

But patience is a virtue,

So we don't have to rush

For our first youth,

We could take time do rehearsals.

And I ain't acting, this is personal,

And I ain't doing this just to hurt you.

I should say "goodbye" before I say "hello",

So, darling, hold me closely tonight

Because if you open your eyes, I'll never let you go.

Moving slowly we'll both sleep tonight,

And I'll just be dreaming till you wake me up.

When I'm telling her about raving

She's telling me about cravings.

I want her to just get the message,

I don't wanna have to be so blatant,

So I told her my life ain't balanced, yeah,

So the time ain't right.

She said God's clock's the only one that matters,

And it's about time I tried,

And if I listen to my family

Then I'll be a new addition to my family.

I can't help feeling peer pressured,

Everyone's looking down but

They don't understand me.

And everyone's so suggestive,

I'm getting mixed messages

But nobody's rang me, huh.

I'm saying this is ain't a game

But when I say the wrong thing,

Everybody wants to hang me.

I should say "goodbye" before I say "hello",

So darling hold me closely tonight

Because if you open your eyes, I'll never let you go.

Moving slowly we'll both sleep tonight,

And I'll just be dreaming till you wake me up.

Hush, little baby,

Don't you cry.

I said, hush, little baby,

Don't you cry.

I said, hush, little baby,

Don't you cry,


I said, hush, little baby,

Don't you cry.

I know I should say "goodbye" before I say "hello",

So darling hold me closely tonight

Because if you open your eyes, I'll never let you go.

Moving slowly we'll both sleep tonight,

And I'll just be dreaming till you wake me up.

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