The meaning of the lyrics of the song "I Never Said That I Was through with You" by the artist "Write This Down"

In "I Never Said That I Was Through With You" by Write This Down, the lyrical hero addresses a person who tries to manipulate and destroy him. He sees right through her, aware of her intentions to "get and break" him. The hero is not afraid of her games and is ready to hear everything she wants to say.

He ironically invites her to call him a "sinner" or a "lover," understanding that these labels are just a way to assert herself at his expense. Her attempts to appear strong and confident are doomed to fail, because her "bravery" is based on the false assumption that their relationship is over. The hero reminds her that he never said anything about breaking up, and her games only hurt herself.

He points out her hypocrisy by reminding her of the "secrets" and "claws of jealousy" that poison their relationship. Pretense and manipulation are the true reason for her "tasteless" behavior.

At the end of the song, the hero questions her true values and beliefs, which, in his opinion, should have kept her from such actions. He believes that deep down she is still capable of sincerity and love, and urges her not to complicate the situation.

You've got the power, I'm well aware of all your plans,

To make me, to break me.

Don't speak with caution, tell me everything you want in me.

I'm waiting, I'm waiting.

You can call me a sinner,

You can call me a lover,

You can call me whatever makes you...

Confident (you're gonna learn your lesson),

But powerless (you better pay attention).

Your bravery (you thought that this was over),

Is at your expense (I never said that I was through with you).

You've got the secrets that always keep me up at night,

Distracted, distracted.

Retract the claws that you've embedded into jealousy.

It's vicious, so tasteless.

You can call me a sinner,

You can call me a lover,

You can call me whatever makes you...

Confident (you're gonna learn your lesson),

But powerless (you better pay attention).

Your bravery (you thought that this was over),

Is at your expense (I never said that I was through with you).

Confident (you're gonna learn your lesson),

But powerless (you better pay attention).

Your bravery (you thought that this was over),

Is at your expense (I never said that I was through with you).

Where are those principles?

Those concrete thoughts that make you still believe.

Don't make things difficult.

It's in there somewhere, it's in there somewhere.

Confident (you're gonna learn your lesson),

But powerless (you better pay attention).

Your bravery (you thought that this was over),

Is at your expense (I never said that I was through with you).

Confident (you're gonna learn your lesson),

But powerless (you better pay attention).

Your bravery (you thought that this was over),

Is at your expense (I never said that I was through with you).

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