The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Golgotha" by the artist "Wumpscut"

нтерпретация текста "Golgotha" Wumpscut:


Текст песни "Golgotha" немецкой индастриал группы Wumpscut представляет собой мрачный и циничный взгляд на распятие Христа. В песне ставится под сомнение божественная природа Иисуса и его осознанность собственной миссии.

Первые строфы описывают Христа как неведающего пешку в чужой игре. Он "не знал", что осужден, "не знал" о Божьем намерении. Образ горы Голгофы, места распятия, символизирует неизбежность его судьбы, которую "все знали", в отличие от самого Христа.

Далее текст песни фокусируется на смерти Христа, подавая ее как банальное событие. Фразы "Христос умер, наконец отдал всё, что имел" и "Христос умер, наконец у него было завещание" лишены пафоса и создают ощущение пустоты и бессмысленности жертвы.

Третья строфа, представленная от лица лирического героя, обращается к Христу с обвинениями. Он называет Иисуса "сумасшедшим" за его готовность умереть за грехи человечества. Фраза "У Пилата не было намерения / Отправлять хорошего человека на гору" намекает на то, что Христос был лишь инструментом в политической игре римлян.

Финальный повтор "Голгофа / Все знали Голгофу" звучит как зловещий приговор, подчеркивая трагизм и предопределенность судьбы Христа.



The lyrics of the song "Golgotha" by the German industrial band Wumpscut present a dark and cynical view of the crucifixion of Christ. The song questions the divine nature of Jesus and his awareness of his mission.

The first verses describe Christ as an unwitting pawn in someone else's game. He "did not know" that he was condemned, "did not know" about God's intention. The image of Mount Golgotha, the place of crucifixion, symbolizes the inevitability of his fate, which "everyone knew", unlike Christ himself.

Further, the lyrics of the song focus on the death of Christ, presenting it as a banal event. Phrases "Christ died, finally gave everything he had" and "Christ died, finally he had a testament" are devoid of pathos and create a feeling of emptiness and meaninglessness of sacrifice.

The third verse, presented on behalf of the lyrical hero, addresses Christ with accusations. He calls Jesus "crazy" for his willingness to die for the sins of mankind. The phrase "Pilate had no intention / To send a good man to the mountain" hints that Christ was only a tool in the political game of the Romans.

The final repetition of "Golgotha / Everyone knew Golgotha" sounds like an ominous sentence, emphasizing the tragedy and predetermination of the fate of Christ.

Christ he didn't know he was condemned,

Christ he didn't know with God's intend,

Christ he didn't know he had the will,

Christ he didn't know he saw the hill,


They all knew Golgotha

Christ had died at last he gave the most,

Christ had died at last the Holy Ghost,

Christ had died at last he had the will,

Christ had died at last he saw the hill,


They all knew Golgotha

Oh Christ, oh Christ, you were condemned

To die on roman's cross at end.

Pilatus he had not the will

To send the right man to the hill.

So he was nailed like ugly scum

To trunks of shame the carpenters done

And he screamed out: "I had the will,

But Father left me on the hill"

Oh Christ, you are a lunatic!

Oh christ, you're just a lunatic!

Go on scream out, you had the will

To die for us upon the hill.


They all knew Golgotha

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