The meaning of the lyrics of the song "It's Going Down" by the artist "X-Ecutioners, The"

This text from the song "It's Going Down" by The X-Ecutioners doesn't so much tell a story as it conveys a feeling and describes the creative process of making music. The phrase "I knew I was threatened" is most likely a metaphor describing the feeling of risk and stepping outside one's comfort zone when creating something new and unfamiliar. "These guys" and "nasty things" may refer to stereotypes and prejudices about mixing different musical styles that musicians face.

The bulk of the text is an anthem for experimentation in music, blending genres, searching for a new sound. The X-Ecutioners describe their creative process as a "fusion of sounds from the distant future," a "combination of sweet notes of voice" and a "distorted selection of sounds." They break boundaries, mix styles, creating a "hurricane" of new sound.

The repeating phrase "It's going down" emphasizes the irreversibility of the process, the inevitability of change and the emergence of a new, fresh sound.

I knew I was being threatened

Do you think it was worth holding out?

I mean I've heard some pretty ugly things about those guys

Ugly stories.

Watch them flee

Watch them flee

Rap rap rap up

Watch them flee

Hip-hop hits

And you do it like this

It's going down

The rhythm projects 'round the next sound

Reflects a complex hybrid dialect now

Detect the mesh of many elements compressed down

The melting-pot of a super-futuresque sound

The combination of a vocal caress

With lungs that gasp for breath from emotional stress

With special effects and a distorted collage

Carefully lodged between beats of a rhythmic barrage

It's going down

A logical progression on the timeline

The separation narrowed down to a fine line

To blur the edges so they blend together properly

Take you on an audible odyssey now

It's going down

A logical progression on the timeline

The separation narrowed down to a fine line

To blur the edges so they blend together properly

Take you on an audible odyssey now

Put put... put it up

It goes like this

And you do it like this

It's going down

Put put... put it up

It goes, goes like this

And you do it like this

It's going down

Once again it is

Composed sentences all together venomous

The four elements of natural force

Projected daily through the sound of the source

Everybody on board as we blend

The sword with the pen

The mightiest the weapons

Swinging right from the chin

The elevate of mental states

Long gone with the wind

To defend men for shoddy imitation pretends

It's going down

Style assimilation readily

Trekking through the weaponry

Of the pure pedigree

Cleverly seeing through whatever is ahead of me

Whatever the weather be

We invent the steadily

It's going down to sub-terrestrial high

I rhyme regiment that's calling the shots

Execution of collaborative plots

Ready to bring the separation of style to a stop

It's going down

A logical progression on the timeline

The separation narrowed down to a fine line

To blur the edges so they blend together properly

Take you on an audible odyssey now

It's going down

Put put... put it up

It goes like this

And you do it like this

It's going down

Put put... put it up

It goes like this

And you do it like this

It's going down

X-men 'bout to blast off world wide

Yo it's a request only

X-men 'bout to blast off world wide

It's "built from scratch"

Album in stores soon

'Bout to blast off world wide

And you do it like this

It's going down

Put put... put it up

It goes like this

And you do it like this

It's going down

Put put... put it up

It goes like this

And you do it like this

It's going down

Like this

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