The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Kalt" by the artist "X-Fusion"

The song "Kalt" by X-Fusion uses metaphors of coldness, a hurricane, and a blade to describe a state of inner emptiness and alienation.

"A hurricane rages inside me, But I crave nothing" – the lyrical hero experiences strong emotions, comparable to a destructive natural disaster, but they bring him neither joy nor the desire to change anything.

"A blade sticks out of my heart, But I feel no pain" – a metaphor for a deep emotional wound that, however, does not cause suffering. Perhaps this is a consequence of emotional burnout or apathy.

The chorus "There is only coldness inside me, I am not human. I am not a beast" emphasizes the feeling of alienation from oneself and the world. The hero cannot relate to either humans or animals, feeling like some alien and cold creature.

"I never wanted to, but here I am, And no one warned you about me" – these lines can be interpreted as indicating the undesirability of such a state, that the hero did not choose it, but found himself in it against his will. The lack of warning can be interpreted as loneliness and lack of understanding from others.

"A loud cry pierces my flesh, But I feel no pity" – here we are probably talking about external influences, attempts to reach out to the hero, which he is unable to perceive due to his alienation.

"My soul remains cold, Because I am not a creature of light" – the final lines of the song confirm the idea of inner emptiness and hopelessness. The hero does not see himself capable of experiencing bright feelings and emotions.

Ein Orkan wütet in mir

Doch ich verspüre keine Gier

Die Klinge steckt

In meinem Herz

Und doch verspüre ich

Keinen Schmerz


Es ist kalt in mir

Ich bin nicht Mensch

Ich bin nicht Tier

Nie gewollt doch ich bin hier

Und keiner warnte dich vor mir

Ein lauter Schrei

Durchdringt mein Leib

Doch ich verspüre

Kein Mitleid in meiner Seele

Bleibt es kalt

Denn ich bin keine Lichtgestalt


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