The meaning of the lyrics of the song "A Prophecy of Worlds to Fall" by the artist "Xandria"

The lyrics of Xandria's "A Prophecy of Worlds to Fall" depict the end of the world, the shattering of illusions, and the passing of ancient knowledge to a new guardian. The lyrical heroine is one of those who foresaw the catastrophe, who "wanders in the night" and sees the world "with wide open eyes." She knows that "the sky is ready to fall to ashes," and all dreams and desires are but "illusions" coming to an end.

Addressing an unnamed "you," the heroine passes on the burden of knowledge about the world's transience and the responsibility for keeping secrets. She is the previous guardian, "bound by ice, once gold," now handing over the "key and seal" to the next.

The lyrics vividly trace biblical motifs of the Apocalypse: seven angels pouring bowls of wrath, falling stars, earthquakes, a darkened sun, and a blood moon. The world is perishing, but not without a trace. It continues to exist in the memory of the "All-Seeing" and in the knowledge passed down through generations.

The recurring refrain "All you ever wanted to be, all you ever wanted to be / Shone so bright, but was only a dream / And there is nothing left but this fantasy / Oh, the world falls into the abyss" emphasizes the ephemerality of the material world and the inevitability of its destruction.

The final phrase "It falls for you..." is addressed to the new guardian, leaving him alone with the heavy responsibility for the fate of knowledge in a collapsing world.

I am the one that is walking the night

Sleepless I'm dreaming — eyes wide open

Watching the sky for the ashes to fall

Ending illusions — I keep on hoping

For this world to survive — to keep me alive

So for all you ever desired, you wanted to be

Was shining so bright but only a dream

And nothing remains but this fantasy

Oh this world is falling down

Frozen by gold that has turned into ice

I kept all the secrets deep inside me

Now I will pass them on — now, now you are the one

So for all you ever desired, you wanted to be

Was shining so bright but only a dream

And nothing remains but this fantasy

Oh this world is falling down

Et audivi vocem magnam dicentem septem angelis

Effundite septem fialas asperitae mundi in somnium

Vidi cum aperuisset sigillum sextum

Terrae motus factus est

Magnus sol factus est niger luna tota facta est sicut sanguis

And as it opened the final seal

I stood alone on crumbled ground

The stars had fallen And the sun was cold

This world has never been

Only for the seeing it will be seen

I was given the seal and the key

And I will keep it until I die

All you ever desired, you wanted to be

Was shining so bright but only a dream

And nothing remains but this fantasy

Oh this world is falling down

It's falling down for you

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