The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Crystalised" by the artist "xx, The"

The song "Crystalised" by The xx explores the complexities of a relationship fraught with conflicting desires for closeness and distance. The lyrics depict a dynamic where one partner yearns for intimacy and warmth, while the other, our lyrical protagonist, seeks to maintain independence and emotional distance.

The lyrical voice feels pressured by their partner's desire to "crystallise" them, to confine them within a defined role and behavioral pattern promising "bliss." This pressure is perceived as a threat to the protagonist's autonomy and individuality, prompting resistance and a willingness to "forgive and forget" transgressions simply to preserve the ability to move freely without succumbing to another's will.

The line "Everything is getting closer to the sun" can be interpreted as a metaphor for the escalating stakes in the relationship, the intensification of emotional heat. The protagonist, preferring to move "in doses," fears this intensity and seeks self-preservation from potential hurt. They haven't completely shut out their partner ("you are the only one I let get this close"), but maintain distance as a shield against potential heartbreak.

The partner, on the other hand, fails to grasp the protagonist's motivations, deeming them "stupid" for resisting closeness. They continue to "take steps" towards the protagonist, yet these advances lack sensitivity and disregard for the other's emotional state. Their "affection" echoes off the icy wall the protagonist has erected around themselves, failing to find purchase.

The imagery of melting glaciers symbolizes the protagonist's internal struggle between the desire to surrender to their feelings ("I want the current to sweep me away") and the fear of being consumed by them. They are "down on their knees," vulnerable and exposed, yet the partner, oblivious to this fragility, continues to "get closer," unaware of the precariousness of the situation.

The repeated "Go slow" at the song's conclusion serves as a warning, a plea for caution and understanding. The relationship hangs in the balance, and any misstep could shatter the fragile equilibrium irrevocably.

You've applied the pressure

To have me crystalised

And you've got the faith

That I could bring paradise

I'll forgive and forget

Before I'm paralysed

Do I have to keep up the pace

To keep you satisfied

Things have gotten closer to the sun

And I've done things in small doses

So don't think that I'm pushing you away

When you're the one that I've kept closest

You don't move slow

Taking steps in my directions

The sound resounds, echo

Does it lesson your affection


You say I'm foolish

For pushing this aside

But burn down our home

I won't leave alive

Glaciers have melted to the sea

I wish the tide would take me over

I've been down on my knees

And you just keep on getting closer

Glacies have melted to the sea

(Things have gotten closer to the sun)

I wish the tide would take me over

(And I've done things in small doses)

I've been down onto my knees

(So don't think that I'm pushing you away)

And you just keep on getting closer

(When you're the one that I've kept closest)

Go slow [x5]

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