The meaning of the lyrics of the song "I Spoke to the Devil in Miami, He Said Everything Would Be Fine" by the artist "XXXTENTACION"


Смысл текста I Spoke to the Devil in Miami, He Said Everything Would Be Fine:

В песне I Spoke to the Devil in Miami, He Said Everything Would Be Fine автор XXXTENTACION обращается к темам отчаяния, внутренней борьбы и сделки с дьяволом. Лирический герой находится в мрачном месте ("где не светит солнце"), его сердце разбито, и он борется с ненавистью к себе. Он чувствует себя потерянным и пойманным в ловушку собственных демонов.

Образ волка, пастуха и овцы отражает искаженное восприятие реальности героем, где хищник (волк) получает наивысший балл, а жертва (овца) - наименьший. Упоминание леопарда и его "рукояти оружия" намекает на силу и агрессию, которые доминируют в его мире.

Встретившись с дьяволом (возможно, метафорой соблазна или отчаяния), герой заключает сделку, предлагая что-то ценное ("ключ к расплате") в обмен на спасение. Точная природа сделки остается неясной, но она указывает на отчаянное желание героя избавиться от боли.

Финальные строки, где дьявол говорит о душе героя как о своей, подчеркивают трагический финал сделки. В погоне за облегчением герой, возможно, обрёк себя на вечные страдания.


Meaning of the lyrics of I Spoke to the Devil in Miami, He Said Everything Would Be Fine:

In I Spoke to the Devil in Miami, He Said Everything Would Be Fine, XXXTENTACION explores themes of despair, inner turmoil, and a Faustian bargain. The lyrical protagonist finds himself in a dark place ("where the sun doesn't shine"), heartbroken and battling self-hatred. He feels lost and trapped within his own demons.

The imagery of the wolf, shepherd, and sheep reflects the protagonist's skewed perception of reality, where the predator (wolf) receives the highest score and the victim (sheep) the lowest. The mention of a leopard and its "grip of the weapon" hints at the power and aggression dominating his world.

Encountering the devil (perhaps a metaphor for temptation or despair), the protagonist strikes a deal, offering something valuable ("key to retribution") in exchange for salvation. The exact nature of the deal remains ambiguous but points to the protagonist's desperate desire for relief from pain.

The final lines, where the devil claims the protagonist's soul as his own, highlight the tragic outcome of the bargain. In seeking solace, the protagonist may have doomed himself to eternal suffering.


It will all be over soon


And I'm always where the sun don't shine

The tears don't show, won't hurt me now 'cause

Heart's been broke, I hate myself, but

It won't show, I constantly lose all

My remorse, and it's ten for the wolf and

Three for the shepherd, and it's one for the sheep who

Led by your leopard, often gave his perception as a

Handle of weapon, took a bite of your apple, give me

All you can offer now I'm trapped in a changing maze

Setting my soul ablaze, couldn't control the pace

Where is this going? Hey, heartless is recklessness, it's

War with the pacifist to word of a masochist, I'm

Off of the map, my Lord, I spoke to a Baphomet, he

Said he would save me if I gave you one thing you needed

"What is this thing?", I pleaded; boy, it's the key to even, yeah


And as I spoke, my fangs were shown

Taken aback, he smiles and tells me

"What you crave will soon be yours

But what I crave is already mine"

Anima vestra


Anima vestra


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