The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Turn into Earth" by the artist "Yardbirds, The"

The song "Turn into Earth" by The Yardbirds portrays a lyrical hero experiencing an existential crisis, contemplating the cyclical nature of life, the inevitability of death, and the search for meaning in existence.

Natural imagery: cloudy skies, dew, rain, wind, and fading leaves – paints a picture of transience and the passage of time, likening human life to natural cycles.

"Restless eyes" speaking to the sky convey a sense of unease and a search for answers to eternal questions. The fading leaves turning into earth symbolize death, but also rebirth, a return to the source.

The hero's "distant dreams" and "wandering thoughts" emphasize his longing for something more than mere existence. He feels his spirit turning into darkness, perhaps a metaphor for approaching death or the loss of hope.

Overall, the lyrics evoke a sense of melancholy, uncertainty, but also acceptance of the natural order of things. Like a leaf, a person travels the path from birth to death, eventually returning to the earth from which he came.


How your restless hungry eyes

Speak of cloudy summer skies.

The morning dew

Turns into rain,

Lonely winds will call my name.

Dying leaves of seasons brown,

Losing life as they drift down.

Too soon in life,

Return to earth,

Only they can know their worth.

Distant dreams of things to be,

Wandering thoughts that can't be free.

I feel my mind,

Turning away,

To the darkness of my day.

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