The meaning of the lyrics of the song "¿Por Qué?" by the artist "Yasmin Levy"

Yasmin Levy's "Por Qué?" is a mournful cry of the soul, calling for justice and compassion in a world full of pain and suffering.

"This desecrated world..." - the song begins with these words, and already in them one feels a deep sadness and disappointment. The world, which should be a beautiful creation, is perceived as something crippled, wounded by evil and injustice.

"I hear the weeping of the earth, cries of sorrow from all sides, oh, there is no compassion left..." - in these lines, the author conveys a sense of hopelessness and despair that has gripped her. The world is full of suffering, cries for help are heard everywhere, but people seem to have hardened their hearts, have ceased to sympathize and empathize.

"Why? Why has life lost its value? Why is there so much pain? So much injustice in the name of the Lord..." - this series of rhetorical questions reveals the heartache and incomprehension of what is happening. The author questions heaven, seeking an answer to the main question: why is there so much evil in the world, why do innocent people suffer, why do people commit atrocities in the name of God?

"Why? Why have children stopped dreaming? Why do mothers never stop crying?" - these questions further enhance the feeling of hopelessness. Children, who represent hope and the future, are losing their ability to dream, and mothers, symbols of love and care, are doomed to eternal tears.

"I wonder how God sees us?" - the final phrase of the song expresses deep emotional turmoil and a desire to understand one's place in this cruel world. The lyrical heroine turns to higher powers, trying to understand how they perceive humanity, capable of such cruelty and indifference.

The lyrics of "Por Qué?" are not just a song, they are a cry from the soul, a call for help addressed to each of us. It is a reminder that one cannot be indifferent to the pain of others, that one must fight for justice and goodness in the world.

Este mundo profanado,

Yo oigo el llanto de la tierra,

Gritos de pena

Por todos lados,

Ay ya no nos queda compasión.

¿Por qué?

¿Por qué la vida perdió su valor?

¿Por qué se causa tanto dolor?

Tanta injusticia en el nombre de Dios.

¿Por qué?

¿Por qué los niños dejaron de soñar?

¿Por qué las madres no dejan de llorar?

Yo me pregunto como nos ve Dios?

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