The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Una Ora En La Ventana" by the artist "Yasmin Levy"

Yasmin Levy's song "Una Ora En La Ventana" ("An Hour at the Window") tells a story of passionate, yet seemingly forbidden love. The lyrical hero pours out his feelings for his beloved, lamenting the obstacles that prevent them from being together.

The song is filled with vivid imagery and metaphors that convey the intensity of the hero's emotions. He compares his love to fire ("burned with themselves"), and his beloved's skin to honey and jasmine. The hero is obsessed with the girl, ready to defy society ("I will refuse seven brides! Ah, only you, I will only take you as my wife!") just to be with her.

The main obstacle to the lovers' happiness is the girl's sister, whom the hero calls a "viper" for not letting them be alone ("Ah, she won't let us, ah, she won't let us make love!"). It is unclear what exactly her actions are, but they clearly cause suffering to the hero.

The song leaves a feeling of hopelessness. Despite the strength of their feelings, it is unclear whether the lovers will be able to overcome the obstacles and find happiness. The final lines repeat the complaint about the sister, emphasizing the cyclical nature of the situation and the hero's helplessness in the face of circumstances.

Una ora en la ventana,

Ora i media al balkon

La kulevra de tu ermana

Ah, no mos desha, ah! No mos desha

Azer el amor

Yo la kero, tu la keres

Ya mos vamos a matar!

Ven djugaremos a los dados

El ke la gana, el ke la gana

Su mazal

Ke komio la tu mama,

Empreniada de ti?

Te kito morena i dulse


Amasada kon la miel

Ah! No te'alaves ke sos blanka

Blanka komo el yasmin!

Ke ay morenikas en el mundo

Ke kemaron, ke kemaron

Medio Izmir

A la mar yo me vo echar

Un peshkado yo vo paniar

Siete novias vo kitar

Ah! Yo a ti, yo a ti

Me vo tomar

Una ora en la ventana

Ora i media al balkon

La kulevra de tu ermana

Ah, no mos desha, ah! No mos desha

Azer el amor

текст песни представлен на сефардском языке (ладино), являющимся продолжением раннего еврейско-кастильского диалекта и использующего свою собственную систему орфографии

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