The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Song Long Forgotten" by the artist "Ye Vagabonds"

The song "Song Long Forgotten" by Ye Vagabonds portrays the lyrical hero witnessing something magical and fleeting.

Early in the morning, while the addressee of the song is asleep, the hero sees "them" flying across the sky, one after another. The description of the "golden air" and "clouds like wild cotton" creates a surreal and beautiful atmosphere. "They" sing a "song long forgotten," pointing to something ancient, mystical, and perhaps lost to most.

The repetition of the phrases "flying one by one" and "a song long forgotten" emphasizes the endless flow of "their" movement and the continuity of the song, which is nonetheless forgotten. This creates a sense of melancholy and longing for something unattainable.

The contrast between the sleeping addressee and the awake hero observing this phenomenon emphasizes the intimacy of the moment. The hero is alone with this magic, inaccessible to the sleeping world. The description of the addressee's breath ("silent and slow") further enhances the feeling of fragility and ephemerality of the experience.

The repetition of the final stanzas describing the "golden air" and "the song long forgotten" reinforces the feeling of nostalgia and yearning for something gone but still beautiful in its unattainability.

Early in the morning

While you were sleeping

I saw them coming

I saw them coming

Flying one by one by one

Flying one by one by one

Flying one by one by one

Flying one by one

And the air was golden

And the clouds were cotton

And they were singing

A song long forgotten

A song long forgotten

A song long forgotten

A song long forgotten

I felt them leaving

By the open window

While you were breathing

Silently and slow

Breathing in and in and in

Breathing in and in and in

Breathing in and in and in

Breathing in and in

And the air was golden

And the clouds were cotton

And they were singing

A song long forgotten

A song long forgotten

A song long forgotten

A song long forgotten

And the air was golden

And the clouds were cotton

And they were singing

A song long forgotten

A song long forgotten

A song long forgotten

A song long forgotten

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