The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Complétement Fou" by the artist "Yelle"

The song "Complètement Fou" ("Completely Crazy") by French artist Yelle is an anthem to liberation, independence, and living life on your own terms. The lyrics tell the story of a female protagonist who embraces her strength and freedom, ignoring the expectations and limitations others try to impose on her.

Let's break down the lyrics:

"I reached the top. You saw nothing while you slept. I didn't wait for your permission." - Here, the protagonist displays her determination and self-reliance. She achieves success without the help or approval of anyone, especially not someone who was "sleeping" and oblivious to her efforts.

"Look at the ice melting as I break it." - This metaphor illustrates how the protagonist overcomes obstacles and stereotypes. Ice can symbolize fear, doubt, and societal norms that she effortlessly shatters.

"We danced to tears of joy while you slept. I won't kiss you no matter what. This is not the wind, it's a breeze." - The protagonist enjoys her life whether or not the object of her affection is present. She will not sacrifice her freedom for anyone. The "breeze" in this context symbolizes transience, lightness, and a lack of commitment.

"Completely crazy!" - This repeated refrain conveys the main message of the song: live life to the fullest without fear of appearing "crazy" in the eyes of others.

"Completely crazy! Tell me, what are we doing? I want to jump into your arms. I was looking for you. Hey! Where were you? We meet again like crazy people." - Despite her independence, the protagonist is not against sharing her joy with someone who understands and accepts her. She seeks a like-minded individual who is ready to embrace her "craziness".

"I never ask about my path, I walk it on my hands. When I get cut, I don't bleed, the cut heals, and I wave to you from the other side." - The protagonist is not afraid of difficulties and follows her own path, ignoring the obstacles. She is strong and independent, able to cope with any challenges. The image of "the other side" symbolizes reaching a new level of freedom and awareness.

"Thoughts are racing, they wake me up. The night gives me advice. Without making a sound, I stole the locomotive. Leave if you want. Those who love me follow me." - The protagonist listens to herself, to her desires and intuition ("the night gives me advice"). She takes control of her life ("stole the locomotive") and is ready to move forward without looking back at those who do not share her aspirations.

Overall, "Complètement Fou" is a song about the courage to be yourself, about the freedom of choice, and about the joy of a life filled with adventure and passion.

Je suis arrivée au sommet.

Tu n'as rien vu pendant ton sommeil.

Je n'ai pas attendu que tu m'y autorises.

Regarde la glace fondre quand moi, je la brise.

On a dansé jusqu'à en pleurer

de joie pendant que toi tu dormais.

Je ne te ferai pas la bise quoiqu'il arrive.

C'n'est pas un vent, c'est la brise.

Complétement fou ! [6x]

Complétement fou ! Dis, on fait quoi ?

Envie de sauter dans tes bras.

Je t'ai cherché. Hey ! T'étais où ?

On se retrouve complétement fous.

Je ne demande jamais mon chemin,

j'y vais en marchant sur les mains.

Quand je me coupe je ne saigne pas, je cicatrise,

et je te fais signe depuis l'autre rive.

Les idées jaillissent, elles me réveillent.

C'est la nuit qui me porte conseil.

Sans faire de bruit j'ai volé la locomotive.

Vas t'en si tu veux. Ceux qui m'aiment me suivent.

Complétement fou ! [5x]

Complétement fou ! Dis, on fait quoi ?

Envie de sauter dans tes bras.

Je t'ai cherché. Hey ! T'étais où ?

On se retrouve complétement fous.

Complétement f... [2x]

Complétement fou ! [4x]


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