The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Un million" by the artist "Yelle"

In the song "Un million," French singer Yelle metaphorically describes the process of self-discovery and liberation from inner barriers.

The first verse speaks of "a million hidden lives" - unrealized possibilities, suppressed desires, unexplored facets of personality hiding in the "dead zone" - the part of herself that the lyrical heroine ignored or was afraid to acknowledge. Leaving the "shelter" symbolizes a rejection of old attitudes, limiting beliefs, and fears that prevent her from living a full life. The "old fortress" and the "shelter of the body" are metaphors describing the familiar but limiting self-image from which the heroine seeks to break free.

The second verse continues the theme of liberation. "A million baseless fears" are what held the heroine back, preventing her from opening up to the world and her feelings. "Heart engagement" and "openness" are what she strives for, breaking down internal "partitions." The image of the soul found "under the covers" speaks of finding her true self, removing masks and defense mechanisms.

The repetition of the verses reinforces the feeling of movement, a gradual but steady progress toward freedom and self-knowledge. The chaos mentioned at the end of the first verse does not frighten the heroine but is perceived as a natural part of the inner transformation process. Yelle's song is an anthem to the courage to be yourself, to accept all your facets and not be afraid of change.

[Refrain 1:]

Un million de vies cachées dans mon angle mort

A l'abri je sors, je m'ignorais

Mes envies dessinées dans un vieux château fort

A l'abri d'un corps, que j'ignorais aussi

Je me laisse aller dans les méandres de mon cerveau

Je regarde nager les envies, les douleurs, le chaos

[Refrain 2:]

Un million, un million de peurs, sans raison

Inclusion, inclusion de coeur, ouverture

Les cloisons, les cloisons se meurent, je me tire

J'ai trouvé, j'ai trouvé mon âme sous une couverture

[Refrain 1:]

Un million de vies cachées dans mon angle mort

A l'abri je sors, je m'ignorais

Mes envies dessinées dans un vieux château fort

A l'abri d'un corps, que j'ignorais aussi

Je me laisse aller dans les méandres de mon cerveau

Je regarde nager les envies, les douleurs, le chaos

[Refrain 2:]

Un million, un million de peurs, sans raison

Inclusion, inclusion de coeur, ouverture

Les cloisons, les cloisons se meurent, je me tire

J'ai trouvé, j'ai trouvé mon âme sous une couverture

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