The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Miracle of Life" by the artist "Yngwie Malmsteen"

In "Miracle of Life," Yngwie Malmsteen paints a deeply personal and metaphorical journey that can be interpreted as one of birth, rebirth, and the transformative power of love.

The lyrics begin with the speaker in a state akin to existential crisis. Feeling "old" at birth suggests a possible weight of past experience or a sense of entering the world already weary. The feeling of coldness and the "torn" soul convey a profound sense of pain and isolation.

However, amidst loneliness and suffering, a glimmer of hope emerges: the speaker has been "shown" that he can "see tomorrow." This can be interpreted as a flicker of faith, a promise of a brighter future, or an inner knowing that his story is not over.

The encounter with "you," the addressee of the song, becomes a turning point. This "you" could be a lover, a friend, a saving grace, or even a part of the speaker himself, a piece of his soul found. Uniting with "you" grants the speaker new life, a sense of wholeness, and healing from past wounds.

Malmsteen then describes his life as a "journey full of leaps." He has experienced highs and lows, victories and defeats, but what he ultimately emphasizes is that he has kept the faith. Notably, the lyrics remain open-ended about the specific object of this faith. It could be faith in love, in oneself, in a higher power, or simply in life itself.

The recurring motif of "sacrifice" and paying the "price" for the miracle of life suggests that this transformation has not come easily. The speaker may have endured suffering, loss, or inner struggle to arrive at this place of genuine happiness.

The dream that is "never as it seems" points to the unpredictable nature of life and how things don't always go according to plan. The true miracle, Malmsteen seems to suggest, lies not in achieving a specific goal, but in time and the ability to share it with someone precious.

The final lines of the song are a powerful affirmation of love and unity. "We have become as one," "I'm always with you, you are always with me" – these words express a profound connection that transcends physical presence and time itself.

I was old

When I was born

I was feeling cold

And my soul was torn

I walked alone

In solitude and sorrow

I've been shown

I can see tomorrow

Then I found you

And we were one

A new life found

A new life found

It's a miracle of life

My life has been

A journey full of hop

And all I've seen

Is the end of my rope

Well I have lost

And I have won

Counting the cost

My Faith was never gone

Then I found you

And we were one

A new life found

A new life found

It's a miracle of life

I've made the sacrifice

Lord knows I paid the price

A Miracle of life

I always had a dream

But it's never what it seems

A miracle of life

So it is time

We were meant to be

Always with you

Always with me

Then I found you

And we were one

A new life found

A new life found

It's a miracle of life

Then I found you

And we were one

A new life found

A new life found

It's a miracle of life

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