The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Ağlat Beni" by the artist "Zakkum"

The song "Ağlat Beni" ("Make Me Cry") by the Turkish rock band Zakkum is a heartbreaking confession of love and pain from loss. The lyrical hero, consumed by grief from a breakup, clings to ghostly memories of his beloved, seen in a dream.

The dream gives him fleeting happiness - he sees her innocent and lonely, smiling from his touch. However, reality is merciless: "tomorrow morning only this will remain of me" - emptiness and loneliness.

The comparison of the only photograph with a burnt autumn and a blind fish in a net emphasizes the hopelessness and doom of his feelings. The hero's suffering is so great that he likens it to a smoldering cigarette, with each puff bringing him closer to emptiness.

Unable to cope with the pain on his own, he begs his beloved to make him cry, as if tears are the only way to free himself from this burden. The repetition of the phrase "make me cry" emphasizes the hero's despair and plea.

Despite his own pain, he finds the strength to believe that time heals. The changing seasons, new voices, and tears are all part of a natural cycle of life that will eventually bring healing to his beloved as well.

The final lines "I couldn't do it myself, at least you..." are like an unfinished thought addressed to his beloved. Perhaps he is asking her not to blame herself and to allow herself to grieve in order to find happiness in the future.

The song "Ağlat Beni" is an anthem for all who have ever experienced the pain of separation. It reminds us that even in the darkest of times, it is important not to lose hope for healing and new love.

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Ağlat beni

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Ağlat beni

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Ağlat beni

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Ağlat beni

Ağlat ağlat ağlat ağlat beni

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