The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Eblouie Par La Nuit" by the artist "ZAZ"

In her song "Eblouie Par La Nuit" ("Blinded by the Night"), ZAZ paints a picture of urban melancholy, nocturnal wanderings, and the search for love in a faceless metropolis.

The image of "blinding light" is a metaphor for the heroine's contradictory feelings. On the one hand, these are the lights of the night city, beckoning with their brightness, but at the same time soulless and cold, symbolizing loneliness and alienation. The "deadliness" of the light can be interpreted as the destructive effect of the city's bustle on the soul, the loss of landmarks and true values.

The heroine is in a state of expectation ("I've been waiting for you for a hundred years"). She is lost ("drown myself in alcohol and get lost like a ship at sea"), perhaps going through a love drama ("If I lost my mind because of it, know that I loved you"). The black and white streets are a symbol of monotony and longing, the absence of bright colors in life.

The appearance of the hero ("you came, whistling") brings hope for change. His image is ambiguous: he is not idealized, little is known about him ("Did he love life or just watch it go by?"), but he is a ray of light in the darkness, a chance for salvation from loneliness.

The ending of the song remains open. The "last round" and the outstretched hand of the heroine are a gesture of both despair and hope. It is unclear whether the hero will respond to her call, whether they will find each other in this labyrinth of the night city.

The main idea of the song is the existential search for love and meaning in a world dominated by loneliness, disappointment, and transience.

Eblouie par la nuit à coup de lumière mortelle,

A frôler les bagnoles, les yeux comme des têtes d'épingle,

J't'ai attendu 100 ans dans les rues en noir et blanc,

Tu es venu en sifflant

Eblouie par la nuit à coup de lumière mortelle

A shooter les canettes aussi paumé qu'un navire

Si j'en ai perdu la tête j't'ai aimé et même pire

Tu es venu en sifflant

Eblouie par la nuit à coup de lumière mortelle

A-t-il aimé la vie ou la regarde juste passer?

De nos nuits de fumette il ne reste presque rien

Que tes cendres au matin,

A ce métro rempli des vertiges de la vie

A la prochaine station, petit européen,

Mets ta main dessends-la au dessous de mon coeur

Eblouie par la nuit à coup de lumière mortelle

Un dernier tour de piste, avec la main au bout

J't'ai attendu 100 ans dans les rues en noir et blanc,

Tu es venu en sifflant

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