The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Lengua De Serpiente" by the artist "Zenobia"

In the poem "Lengua De Serpiente" (Snake Tongue), the author Zenobia paints a picture of a lyrical hero who has encountered a two-faced and deceitful person. The text is saturated with disappointment, bitterness, and the determination to break off a toxic relationship.

"You came here, I didn't like you" – from the very beginning, the hero makes it clear that they saw through the object of their address's facade. Their intuition did not fail them: "And now I know I was not mistaken."

Manipulations hidden behind a smile, empty, predictable phrases – all of this caused rejection. "You usually said what people expected to hear from you" – the hero exposes the interlocutor's pretense.

Time, acting as a fair judge, removes masks and puts everything in its place. Lies and manipulations, symbolized by the "snake tongue," turn against the heroine, poisoning her own life.

"Tonight you won't be able to sleep, / People hurt you / And once again turn their backs on you" – the lyrical hero does not experience malicious joy, but states the inevitable consequence of deceitful behavior.

"A new twist of the spiral – / You brought this ending upon yourself, / Swallow your tears" – in these lines, bitterness and weariness from the cyclical nature of deception show through, but there is not a shadow of sympathy. The hero washes their hands of the situation, making it clear that the heroine is to blame for her own fate.

The finale of the poem is saturated with the determination to get rid of the toxic presence: "Go away and don't come back... I'm not going to listen to you anymore, / I'm tired of you." These words express a firm intention to close the door on the past and move on.

Llegaste por aquí, no me gustaste

Y ahora sé que no me equivocaba

Sabías sonreír mientras manipulabas

Solías decir lo que esperaban

Pero el tiempo pone siempre

A cada uno en su lugar

Y tu lengua de serpiente

Te envenenará

Hoy no podrás dormir,

La gente te señala

Y otra vez más te dan la espalda

De nuevo en la espiral,

Tú te has buscado este final

Traga tus lágrimas

Pero el tiempo pone siempre

A cada uno en su lugar

Y tu lengua de serpiente

Te envenenará

Vete de aquí, no vuelvas más

Tan lejos como puedas

No voy a seguir oyéndote hablar

Ya me cansé de ti

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