The meaning of the lyrics of the song "L'Infinito E Dietro Lei" by the artist "Zero Assoluto"

In the song "L'Infinito E Dietro Lei" ("Infinity Is Behind Her") by the Italian duo Zero Assoluto, the lyrical hero reflects on closeness and distance, the path traveled, and the power of love that makes him capable of overcoming anything.

"Circles that people make... My home, your home, They are not that far away, From up here..."

These lines set the tone for the entire work. The hero looks at the world from a bird's eye view, realizing the relativity of distances. "Circles" can be a metaphor for life's journey, which, no matter how winding, always leads to something important.

"I don't know where I've been, All the roads I haven't taken, (Maybe it was meant to be)..."

Here, the hero reflects on his past, on choices made and not made. He admits that he does not always understand the meaning of his actions, but believes that everything happened for a reason.

"And now I am not allowed To be tired, Despite the tension... What else do you want to know? Infinity is behind, Infinity is behind her..."

Love for the woman he addresses gives the hero strength and determination. He is ready to overcome any difficulties because "infinity is behind her." This may mean that she is the source of his inspiration, his guiding star, or that their love is boundless and can conquer all.

The question "What's her name?" and the following lines describing the possibility of a different choice emphasize the exclusivity of their bond. The hero realizes that he could have chosen another path, another woman, but does not regret his decision, because the "fresh footprints in the snow" are a symbol of their fragile but true love.

The repetition of the phrase "Maybe it was meant to be" and the final stanza reinforces the idea that life is full of mysteries, but love is the force that helps us find our way and move forward, no matter what.

I giri che fanno le persone...

casa tua casa mia

non sono poi così lontane

da quassù

non so dove sono stato

tutte le strade che mi sono perso

(forse è servito a qualche cosa)

forse è servito a qualche cosa

ed era ora oramai

non mi è concesso

di essere stanco

nonostante la fatica

cosa vuoi sapere ancora

l'infinito è dietro

l'infinito è dietro lei...

Lei come si chiama

e se ci fosse al mondo un'altra luce

tu te ne andresti allora

un altro bacio, un letto, un'altra voce

non dire mai il suo nome

le nostre tracce fresche sulla neve

(forse è servito a qualche cosa)

forse è servito a qualche cosa

ed era ora oramai

non mi è concesso

di essere stanco

nonostante la fatica

cosa vuoi sapere ancora

l'infinito è dietro lei

l'infinito è dietro lei..

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