The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Badalandabad" the performer of the song "Miyagi"

Eyes dig eagerly into the page,

Chewed-up woods are our cage.

Come on, princess, smile for me,

These lines will echo in your soul, you see.

Listen, kitty cat, no doubt,

This writing hits the spot, no need to shout.

My kitty is a fish, my dear,

My pretty thing, a diva, always near.

Your dangerous gaze steals my voice away,

I crave for you to decide our every play.

To close your eyes and fall back with grace,

With me, your rascal, right there in place, Badalandabad.

I know just how to entertain, my dear,

Like a charming cat, I'll purr, and you'll hold me near.

Tired of endless troubles I roam, let me read for you tonight,

As your dress slips down, from shoulders to knees, bathed in light.

Right here, right now, mom, don't overthink, just smile,

Let's ditch the things that complicate our lives for a while.

Let the weight of mundane worries turn to dust,

As you sway your hips like a cobra, fueled by lust.

Is right was born hi with life

Goodbye my readintion song


Is right was born hi with life

Goodbye my readintion song


You fell in love with this song, it fills me with delight,

Relax, my kitty, how about cognac, tequila, or wine tonight?

I'm Mr. Super, a champion riding this wave,

Toss that list away, you don't need a line-up, be brave.

Your hips move to the beat, back and forth they sway,

As the king mic blasts, our embrace clicks and stays.

I'm from the bottom, ironclad street flow, you see,

Catching freestyle here, raw and real, it sets me free.

Damn, I'm feeling it, believe me, blood runs cold,

Agronom, Digga, but I'm my own, stories yet untold.

See, the crocodile in books, fierce and untamed,

Your gaze burns in the dark, driving me insane.

It whispers, "It's time for me," but I reply, "No, not yet,"

What we've brewed here is more than just a concert, I bet.

Your tears on my face, sharp as a knife,

I don't have the recipe to make us stay, for this life.

Damn cozy club, just five more minutes to spare,

I can't hide it, my dear, time's running out, I swear.

Wake up, let go, let in, it's time to break free,

Is right was born hi with life

Goodbye my readintion song


Is right was born hi with life

Goodbye my readintion song


Is right was born hi with life

Goodbye my readintion song


Is right was born hi with life

Goodbye my readintion song


Глаза так жадно вгрызлись в лист

Пожеванный лесок

Давай принцесса, улыбнись

Потом в душе от этих строк

Ты знаешь киса, мимо

Не стреляет эта писанина

Моя киса – рыба

Моя мила, типа фифа, прима

Опасный взгляд лишает языка

Я так хочу, что бы со мной ты все решала наугад

Чтобы закрыла ты глаза и падала назад

Сзади рядом я - супостат, Бадаландабад

Здесь чем тебя развлечь, мне есть чем

Как бравый кот, замурлычу и попадешь ты в мой плен

Устал я от вечных проблем, пока я буду для тебя читать

Пусть платье падает вниз с плеч до самых колен

Тут прямо вниз, ма, не думай плохо, улыбнись, ма

Давай пошлем все то, что усложняет жизнь нам

Пусть будет мертвым груз будней черных

Пока ты крутишь попой, будто кобра, пока твои целую бедра

Is right was born hi with life

Goodbye my readintion song


Is right was born hi with life

Goodbye my readintion song


Ты полюбила эту песню, я бесконечно так рад

Расслабься киса, может коньяк текила, вайн ап

Я супер мистер, я чемпион и этот волнах

Выкинь этот список, тебе больше не нужен line up

Твои бедра двигают в такт, двигают в такт

Пока стреляет громко king mic, обойма клик-клак

Я с низов, железный street флоу

Тут жадно ловишь экспромт в стиле

Мать его, кайфую сам, стынет веришь, нет, кровь в жилах

Агроном, Дига, но я свой

Видишь, крокодил злой в книгах

Твой взгляд горит во тьме

Ему шепчу – мне пора, он говорит – нет, нет

Что мы заварили здесь с тобою – это больше, чем концерт

И как ножиком по сердцу твои слезы на лице

Я не знаю тот рецепт, чтобы мы остались тут

Чертов уютный клуб, еще только пять минут

Спрятать, знаешь, не могу, но стоит таймер на бегу

Проснись, отпусти, впусти

Is right was born hi with life

Goodbye my readintion song


Is right was born hi with life

Goodbye my readintion song


Is right was born hi with life

Goodbye my readintion song


Is right was born hi with life

Goodbye my readintion song


In the song "Badalandabad," Miyagi paints a picture of a passionate and sensual encounter. The lyrical hero, using metaphors and similes, describes his infatuation and desire to possess the girl.

"Eyes so greedily dug into the sheet, a chewed-up forest" - here, the hero is possibly reading poems that he associates with the object of his adoration. He compares his feelings to a greedy gaze "digging" into the lines.

Then come compliments ("My kitty is a fish," "My dear, like a diva, a prima") and the desire to be with her ("I so want you to decide everything at random with me"). The image of "Badalandabad" is a made-up word that most likely conveys the feeling of dizziness from the overwhelming feelings.

The hero invites the girl to forget about her problems and enjoy the moment ("Let the dress fall down from your shoulders to your very knees," "Let's send away everything that complicates our lives"). He compares himself to a "gallant cat" who will purr her into his captivating spell.

There are also notes of sadness in the text, an awareness of the fleeting nature of the moment ("Damn cozy club, only five minutes left," "Wake up, let go, let in").

The English inserts "Is right was born hi with life, Goodbye my readintion song" can be interpreted as the inner voice of the hero, who says goodbye to his "song of adoration" (readintion song), perhaps anticipating the inevitable end of this meeting.

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