The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Try" the performer of the song "Miyagi"

Days run faster

Changing light to the dark, it was like I am lost here, lost here

One more star in the sky

But you might be here, that's what I really wanted

Days run faster

Changing light to the dark, it was like I am lost here, lost here

One more star in the sky

But you might be here, that's what I really wanted

Life turned to hell when I turned around

My hands in the air and I pray for you loud

Show me the truth and show me the lie

Mind over there, one of the stars in the sky

Memories never die

Imagines - always lie

All we have is one try


Stupid sadness locked me up

And in streams of notes, on which I kept silent

Still, people didn't understand love

And why is it so strong, hot

I spoke, shouted, as if I was beaten for an hour

Please, forgive me. Scoundrel. Guilty

I was getting wasted on booze at nights

I was smashing everything in my way, lighting up blunts

I'm killing myself every goddamn night

And I don't understand why I live, I was getting out of here

Apparently my image and my damn handwriting were not clear

I wasted you and reread you to the dots

I'm killing myself every goddamn night

And I don't understand why I live, I was getting out of here

Apparently my image and my damn handwriting were not clear

I wasted you and reread you to the dots

Our wounds are only ours

I am a lost guide

But my love for you will not fade away, it will only grow stronger with time

And this drama is also ours

I will scare those who scared you

Beat the sleep, chase nightmares further away

My God, fix our paradise

We are not destined to see it as it once was

Beyond what any eye has ever seen

There is a dwelling place, and believe me, we will meet in heaven someday

We are flooded with waves of resentment and pain, alas, forever

Our wounds are only ours

Memories never die

Imagines - always lie

All we have is one try


Days run faster

Changing light to the dark, it was like I am lost here, lost here

One more star in the sky

But you might be here, that's what I really wanted

Days run faster

Changing light to the dark, it was like I am lost here, lost here

One more star in the sky

But you might be here, that's what I really wanted

Life turn to hell when I turning around

My hands in the air and I pray for you loud

Show me the truth and show me the lie

Mind over there, one of stars in the sky

Memories never die

Imagines - always lie

All we have is one try


Меня коробила дура-печаль

И потоками нот, на которых молчал

Все же, не поняли люди любовь

И на кой она так сильна, горяча

Говорил, кричал, будто битый час

Прошу, прости. Негодяй. Виноват

Упивался в хлам по ночам

Рубил с плеча я, поджигая бланты

Убиваю себя каждую божью ночь

И мне не понять зачем живу, я же сваливал прочь

Видно был не внятен мой образ и долбаный почерк

Я тебя потратил и перечитал до точек

Убиваю себя каждую божью ночь

И мне не понять зачем живу, я же сваливал прочь

Видно был не внятен мой образ и долбаный почерк

Я тебя потратил и перечитал до точек

Наши раны - только наши

Я - путеводитель заплутавший

Но не догорит моя любовь к тебе со временем сильней

И эта драма - так же наша

Я буду пугать тебя пугавших

Бить сон, прогонять кошмары дальше

Мой Бог, залатай наш рай

Не видать нам таким, каким он был когда-то раньше

За пределами того, что видели когда-либо глаза

Есть обитель и, поверьте, мы когда-нибудь увидимся на небесах

Вес обид и боли волнами, увы, залиты мы с тобою навсегда

Наши раны - только наши

Memories never die

Imagines - always lie

All we have is one try


In "Try", Miyagi reflects on the fleeting nature of time ("Days run faster") and the loss of love. The lyrical hero feels lost ("it was like I am lost here") after the breakup, blames himself ("Негодяй. Виноват" - "Scoundrel. It's my fault"), and seeks solace in alcohol and drugs ("Упивался в хлам по ночам", "поджигая бланты" - "I was getting wasted at night", "lighting up blunts").

He is tormented by guilt ("Убиваю себя каждую божью ночь" - "I'm killing myself every goddamn night") and the realization of his mistakes ("Видно был не внятен мой образ и долбаный почерк", "Я тебя потратил" - "Apparently, my image and damn handwriting were not clear", "I wasted you"). Despite the pain, the hero clings to memories ("Memories never die") and the hope of reunion ("But you might be here, that's what I really wanted", "Есть обитель и, поверьте, мы когда-нибудь увидимся на небесах" - "There is an abode and, believe me, we will meet in heaven someday").

The image of a star in the sky ("One more star in the sky") symbolizes lost love and the longing for it. Miyagi uses metaphors ("Рубил с плеча" - "Chopping from the shoulder", "залиты мы с тобою навсегда" - "we are flooded with you forever") and repetitions ("Memories never die / Imagines - always lie / All we have is one try") to convey the depth of his experiences and the importance of one chance at love.

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