The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Saloon" the performer of the song "Miyagi"

In the saloon of a wicked Western, I drowned my sorrow

We were overcome by stale thoughts, preventing us from seeing

This weighty, yes, and valid reason not to wonder

Whether to live or not, believe me, it's not for us to decide, not for us to decide

Don't growl, for someone's pain has eclipsed the torches' rays

The samples on the stove urged the unsuspecting to heal

Needed or not, we're messing around, messing-messing around

Following the mirage, hurricanes of words – these are the executioners

I'll charge you, choose your side of the world, whoever you are, Wagwan – ghetto

You can't predict here

This field is unplowed, hopelessly dark

Nevertheless, I will become the owner of the antidote

The riverbanks won't carry these swings, you choose your side of the world

This soulless corpse, it's foolish to play the criminal

Feelings as if bought, but don't you dare mumble here

Not cool, you rascal

Stop this nonsense

That's not the point, that's not the point (yuh)

Straight from the depths, without loss

A kind flaw on the undermined here was kicking down the door

Without a target, without dough (without a target, without dough)

Without a target, without dough (without a target, without dough)

Believe it or not, time is a cannibal

Loading the track, cutting off the light

Taking a head start for us, for everyone

I'll survive, you've trusted me for many years (hey)

With the heavy gait of a wanderer

Towards the saloon, where there's a lot of noise, tearing off the shell

Diggers will return

To bite and rob, to break and defile

Run, it's not worth it, because

But we're changing course again, may luck be with us

Evil is hidden, I know in advance

Fighting for peace – nerves on edge

Burning life, protecting lands

In the saloon of a wicked Western, I drowned my sorrow

We were overcome by stale thoughts, preventing us from seeing

This weighty, yes, and valid reason not to wonder

Whether to live or not, believe me, it's not for us to decide, not for us to decide

Not neglecting the laws of life, I understood again

For this is far from paradise, every digger here is a cannibal

And me, foolish and naive, this world broke, broke

Broke, broke, broke, broke, broke, broke, broke

В салуне злого вестерна я заливал печаль

Нас одолевали мысли пресные, мешали замечать

Эту весомую, да, и вескую причину не гадать

Жить или нет, поверь, не нам решать, не нам решать

Ты не рычи, ведь чья-то боль затмила факелов лучи

Сэмплы на печи велели непредвидевшему залечить

Надо, не надо — бардачим, барда-бардачим

Следом за миражом ураганы слов — это палачи

Начислю, выбирай сторону света, кем бы ты ни был, Wagwan – гетто

Тут не получится предугадать

Это поле не пахано беспросветно

Тем не менее, я стану обладателем противоядия-я

Берега реки не вывезут эти качели, ты выбирай сторону света

Бездушный труп этот, глупо играть в преступника

Чувства будто бы куплены, только не мямли тут это

Ни не круто, баламут

Заканчивай эту муть

Не в этом, не в этом суть (y-у)

Прямиком из омута без потерь

Добрая flaw′а на подорванном тут выбивала дверь

Без таргета, без бабла (без таргета, без бабла)

Без таргета, без бабла (без таргета, без бабла)

Веришь или нет, время — людоед

Заряжаю трек, вырубаю свет

Беру разбег за нас, за всех

Выживу, вы же мне доверяли уже много лет (эй)

Тяжёлой поступью скитальца

В сторону салуна, где много шума, срывает панцирь

Диггеры будут возвращаться

Кусать и грабить, ломать и гадить

Беги, это не по зубам, ведь

Но мы снова мутим ход, пусть нам повезёт

Притаилось зло, знаю наперёд

Боремся за мир – нервы на пределе

Прожигаем жизнь, защищаем земли

В салуне злого вестерна я заливал печаль

Нас одолевали мысли пресные, мешали замечать

Эту весомую, да, и вескую причину не гадать

Жить или нет, поверь, не нам решать, не нам решать

Законами жизни не пренебрегая, снова понимал

Ведь это далеко не рай, тут каждый диггер — каннибал

И меня глупого, наивного сей мир ломал, ломал

Ломал, ломал, ломал, ломал, ломал, ломал, ломал

In the song "Saloon," Miyagi uses the metaphor of a Wild West saloon to convey an atmosphere of hopelessness, struggle, and searching for answers. The lyrical hero tries to drown his emotional pain while facing a depressing reality full of violence and despair ("In the saloon of the evil west, I drowned my sorrow").

The world around him is cruel and unfair; people have lost their bearings and are ready for anything to survive ("This is far from paradise, every digger here is a cannibal"). The image of a "digger" can be interpreted as a metaphor for a person digging into themselves, searching for truth or a way out of a difficult situation.

Miyagi uses vivid imagery to convey his thoughts: "samples on the stove" hint at the creative process that helps heal emotional wounds, "hurricanes of words are executioners" - an abundance of information and lies is confusing, "the banks of the river will not withstand these swings" - the situation is extremely tense.

Despite all the difficulties, the lyrical hero does not give up and believes in the possibility of choice: "You choose the side of the light." He calls for fighting for his ideals and not losing hope, even when it seems that all is lost: "We fight for peace - nerves are on edge, We burn our lives, we protect the lands."

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