The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Need me" the performer of the song "Miyagi"

Need me

Need me

The sun willingly warmed your essence, but

These days were lost in evil labyrinths

I couldn't let myself fall asleep here with misfortunes

And everything I was once looking for, I found inside

The road is long with false truths

But still, I judiciously unraveled the tracks

Don't let the sarcastic tone of a trifle

Kill the minutes of obvious beauty

In this world of lost kings, for sure

A scoundrel will involuntarily feel brave

I will stretch the verses of words with smoke to the ceiling

And with profitable spells, I will poison sadness

Inconsolable grace bestowed by heaven

Mourned the bloody sunset again

And today, instead of falling

We will love and create

Need me

Need me

Need me

Need me

Everything will work out

Everything instantly, without unnecessary emotions, thoughts of the past

Everything I did out of anger - not on purpose, let everything remain in the past

Will the words given by like-minded people remain vivid references?

I do not know

I don't know all the answers to the questions, but I'm sure that time will judge us!

We're just catching the excitement

Here and now

Hiding from these eyes

I'm trying to give you all of myself

But something constantly pulls me back

Will the words given by like-minded people remain vivid references?

I hope I hear from you - (need you)

Time will judge us

Need me

Need me

Need me

Need me

Need me

Need me

Need me

Need me

Need me

Need me

Добровольно солнце согревало твою суть, но

Злыми лабиринтами терялись эти дни

Сам себе невзгодами тут не давал уснуть

А всё, что я искал когда-то, находил внутри

Истинами лживыми дорога далека

Но всё же рассудительно распутывал следы

Не позволь язвительному тону пустяка

Убивать минуты очевидной красоты

В этом мире заплутавших королей, наверняка

Почувствует себя невольно смелым негодяй

Дымом растяну куплеты слов до потолка

И чарами доходчивыми отравлю печаль

Безутешная дарованная небом благодать

Оплакивала снова окровавленный закат

И сегодня мы за место того, чтобы пропадать

Будем любить и созидать

Need me

Need me

Need me

Need me

Всё сложится

Всё моментально, без лишних эмоций, мысли о прошлом

Всё, что я сделал со зла — не нарочно, пусть всё останется в прошлом

Останутся ли яркими отсылками слова, что подарили близкие по духу люди?

Я не знаю

Я не знаю всех ответов на вопросы, но уверен, несомненно, в том, что время нас рассудит!

Мы просто ловим азарт

Здесь и сейчас

Скрываемся от глаз этих

Я пытаюсь подарить всего себя тебе

Но постоянно что-то тянет назад

Останутся ли яркими отсылками слова, что подарили близкие по духу люди?

Надеюсь, я от тебя услышу — (need you)

Время нас рассудит

Need me

Need me

Need me

Need me

Need me

Need me

Need me

Need me


In "Need Me," Miyagi explores themes of self-discovery, struggle, and love against the backdrop of a complex and often unkind world.

The opening lines depict the inner conflict of the lyrical hero. "The sun warmed your essence willingly" evokes an image of a past serenity, now lost in the "evil labyrinths" of life's trials. Sleepless nights spent battling "adversity" speak to the hero's resilience, who, despite the difficulties, finds solace and answers within himself.

Miyagi then paints a picture of a world full of deceit and "false truths." The path to understanding is long and arduous, but the hero persistently "untangles the tracks," refusing to let cynicism and empty talk tarnish the "obvious beauty" of life.

The image of "lost kings" suggests that even the most powerful in the world can lose their way. In this atmosphere of uncertainty and chaos, even a "scoundrel" can feel bold. The hero contrasts this false grandeur with the sincerity of his art: "I'll stretch the verses of words to the ceiling with smoke / And poison sadness with captivating charms." Music becomes for him a tool to combat despair and a way to share light with his listeners.

"Inconsolable grace bestowed by heaven" is likely an allegory for love, which, despite its healing power, can also bring pain ("blood-soaked sunset"). However, the hero believes in the transformative power of love and calls to "love and create" instead of succumbing to destructive forces.

The repetition of "Need me" takes on the character of an incantation, expressing both a thirst for love and a willingness to give oneself to another person. The second part of the song deepens this theme, focusing on the hero's relationships with loved ones. He acknowledges his mistakes ("Everything I did out of anger was unintentional"), but believes in forgiveness and the power of time ("Time will judge us"). The hero seeks support and understanding ("Need you"), striving to share his path with someone who will accept him with all his strengths and weaknesses.

Overall, "Need Me" is a profound and personal reflection on the complexities of life, the search for oneself, and the transformative power of love.

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