The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Medicine" the performer of the song "Miyagi"

(Verse 1: MiyaGi)

She searched for me everywhere

Quicksand melancholy, outskirts of a dark wild forest

There are no city rules here

Notes made it hard to find the glow

Relied only on interests

Blurred glances neglected you

Those serenades that were sung, killed by grief

In a world of smeared truth, they promised sheer hell

And be that as it may

Someone must be happy about this

(Pre-Chorus: Miyagi)

Careless facial expression

The clouded head of a blind man led here

Apparently, there was never a desire to stop this madness

A pacifist's nightmare

The evil minister cut the wires



(Chorus: MiyaGi)

I'm ready to give some man medicine

Bomboclaats, I feel everything

Fuck the cops and the glocks on the triggers

Fuck this wa-a-a-a-a-ar!

I'm ready to give some man medicine

Bomboclaats, I feel everything

Fuck the cops and the glocks on the triggers

Fuck this wa-a-a-a-a-ar!

(Verse 2: Andy Panda)

Slowly smoldering, I see Cassandra slowly smoldering

Let her warm, let her heal and come back

Slowly smoldering, I see Cassandra slowly smoldering

Let her warm, let her heal and come back

No, this is not a crash test, no

No animosity, we are not east and west

Fuck these beefs and tantrums, no, but

Fuck these beefs and tantrums

It hurts because of what's happening

(Everyone stood on the edge)

There is a way out for them - to submit

(I don't choose)

Everything is instant, without unnecessary emotions

It's hard in a sheath

The concept is loading

But everything is in the past

(Chorus: MiyaGi)

I'm ready to give some man medicine

Bomboclaats, I feel everything

Fuck the cops and the glocks on the triggers

Fuck this wa-a-a-a-a-ar!

I'm ready to give some man medicine

Bomboclaats, I feel everything

Fuck the cops and the glocks on the triggers

Fuck this wa-a-a-a-a-ar!

I'm ready to give some man medicine

Bomboclaats, I feel everything

Fuck the cops and the glocks on the triggers

Fuck this wa-a-a-a-a-ar!

I'm ready to give some man medicine

Bomboclaats, I feel everything

Fuck the cops and the glocks on the triggers

Fuck this wa-a-a-a-a-ar!

(Куплет 1: MiyaGi)

Она искала меня повсеместно

Зыбучая тоска, окраина тёмного дикого леса

Тут не по правилам города

Ноты мешали нащупывать зарево

Уповали лишь на интересы

Замыленные взгляды пренебрегали тобою

Те серенады, что были спеты, убитые горем

В мире заляпанной правды сулили сущий ад

И как бы там ни было

Кто-то по-любому бывает этому рад

(Предприпев: Miyagi)

Небрежная мимика

Запудренная голова слепого человека привела сюда

Остановить это безумие, по-видимому, не было желания никогда

Страшный сон пацифиста

Злобный министр замыкал провода



(Припев: MiyaGi)

I'm ready to give some man medicine

Bomboclaats, I feel everything

Fuck the cops and the glocks on the triggers

Fuck this wa-a-a-a-a-ar!

I'm ready to give some man medicine

Bomboclaats, I feel everything

Fuck the cops and the glocks on the triggers

Fuck this wa-a-a-a-a-ar!

(Куплет 2: Andy Panda)

Медленно тлеет, я вижу, как медленно тлеет Кассандра

Пускай она греет, пускай она лечит и приходит обратно

Медленно тлеет, я вижу, как медленно тлеет Кассандра

Пускай она греет, пускай она лечит и приходит обратно

Нет, это не краш-тест, нет

Никакой вражды, мы же не east и west

Нахуй эти бифы и истерики, нет, но

Нахуй эти бифы и истерики

Болит о том, что творится

(Все встали с краю)

Для них есть выход — смириться

(Я не выбираю)

Всё моментально, без лишних эмоций

Суете в ножнах сложно

Концепция грузит

Но все уже в прошлом

(Припев: MiyaGi)

I'm ready to give some man medicine

Bomboclaats, I feel everything

Fuck the cops and the glocks on the triggers

Fuck this wa-a-a-a-a-ar!

I'm ready to give some man medicine

Bomboclaats, I feel everything

Fuck the cops and the glocks on the triggers

Fuck this wa-a-a-a-a-ar!

I'm ready to give some man medicine

Bomboclaats, I feel everything

Fuck the cops and the glocks on the triggers

Fuck this wa-a-a-a-a-ar!

I'm ready to give some man medicine

Bomboclaats, I feel everything

Fuck the cops and the glocks on the triggers

Fuck this wa-a-a-a-a-ar!

In the song "Medicine," Miyagi explores the theme of seeking hope and healing in a world consumed by darkness, pain, and conflict.

The first verse paints a picture of despair and hopelessness. The lyrical hero is lost in a metaphorical "dark wild forest" of anguish. "The rules of the city" - possibly representing societal norms and conventions - offer no escape. The "blurred eyes" of those around him symbolize indifference to the suffering of others. Serenades, once filled with hope, are now "killed by grief."

The pre-chorus further develops the theme of hopelessness. The "careless mimicry" and "powdered head of a blind man" are images that speak of apathy and an inability (or unwillingness) to see the suffering of others. A pacifist's dream interrupted by an "evil minister" is an allegory for shattered dreams of peace and harmony.

The chorus is a heartfelt cry, a call to action. "Medicine" is a metaphor for the healing that the lyrical hero wants to bring to a world ravaged by violence ("glocks on the triggers") and war. "Bomboclaats," a Jamaican curse word, intensifies the emotional weight and desperation.

The second verse, performed by Andy Panda, continues the theme of suffering and the search for a way out. The image of a "smoldering Cassandra" is a symbol of prophecies of doom that go unheard. The hero calls for peace and unity, rejecting hostility ("no enmity, we are not east and west") and pointless conflicts ("fuck these beefs"). He sees the way out in acceptance ("resign yourselves") and the abandonment of excessive emotions.

The recurring chorus reinforces the song's main message: the need to confront evil, to seek healing, and to bring hope to the world, despite the darkness and despair that surrounds it.

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