The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Marlboro" the performer of the song "Miyagi"

[Verse 1]

Don't look into the windows, there's fog

I'm an unnecessary musician

Lead me by the lights, madam

Through the valleys for long years

We'll turn over, but we'll never find that sun again

In gusts of wind, to the guide of forgotten overpasses

It overlapped, it died

I used to overdo it, horror is reality

And my brother grabbed his Nagant

Cold feet

Souls inside out, these clouds are suffocating me

Better not to know myself

Added essence, drove away the routine

And Armageddon or the finale hung on guillotines

The whole world is not enough, we are growing by leaps and bounds

Translate it to everyone, so that they don't lose heart


Try to guess, it's not easy

Were we deliberately poisoned by the stars

They tore off the veils, anger run away

Protect us from the evil one

Apparently I haven't grown up yet

Fate will not allow you to turn up your nose

Far away are children, old people

High above are children, old people

Try to guess, it's not easy

Were we deliberately poisoned by the stars

They tore off the veils, anger run away

Protect us from the evil one

Apparently I haven't grown up yet

Fate will not allow you to turn up your nose

Far away are children, old people

High above are children, old people

[Verse 2]

Don't get me wrong, these walls are my skin

I was glued to the AKAI until the passers-by's glucose screams

But it still doesn't change me, I'm still the same

Don't paint me again as someone bad

Like Takeshi Kitano, to disturb you in mind

Good evening, Mom, I'm a panama hat and applause

The same ones that reached for the sky, but I'm not behaving well

But you still tell me again that I'm good


Try to guess, it's not easy

Were we deliberately poisoned by the stars

They tore off the veils, anger run away

Protect us from the evil one

Apparently I haven't grown up yet

Fate will not allow you to turn up your nose

Far away are children, old people

High above are children, old people

Try to guess, it's not easy

Were we deliberately poisoned by the stars

They tore off the veils, anger run away

Protect us from the evil one

Apparently I haven't grown up yet

Fate will not allow you to turn up your nose

Far away are children, old people

High above are children, old people

А ты прикурила Marlboro, Marlboro

Marlboro, зарыдав

Это ли не Санта-Барбара, Барбара

Себе голову ломав

Оклемались сразу по дворам, по дворам

По дворам, одичав

А ты прикурила Marlboro, Marlboro

Marlboro, зарыдав

[Куплет 1]

Не вникай ты в окна, там туман

Я — ненужный музыкант

Огнями веди меня, мадам

Долинами долгими года

Мы перевернём, но не найдём то солнце больше никогда

Порывами ветра путеводителю забытых эстакад

Перекрывало, погибал

Я перегибал, бывало, хоррор — это явь

И брат хватался за Наган

Холод по ногам

Души наизнанку, меня душат эти тучи

Себя лучше бы не знал

Сути добавлял, рутину прогонял

И гильотинами навис Армагеддон или финал

Целого мира мало, мы растём не по годам

Ты переведи да всем, да каждому, дабы не унывал


Ты-ка догадайся, это непросто

Намеренно нас ли травили звёзды

Сорвали вуали, злоба убеги

От лукавого нас предостереги

По-видимому пока не дорос я

Судьба не позволит воротить носом

Там далеко — дети, старики

Там высоко — дети, старики

Ты-ка догадайся, это непросто

Намеренно нас ли травили звёзды

Сорвали вуали, злоба убеги

От лукавого нас предостереги

По-видимому пока не дорос я

Судьба не позволит воротить носом

Там далеко — дети, старики

Там высоко — дети, старики

[Куплет 2]

Не сбивай с понта, эти стены — моя кожа

Я втыкал в AKAI до глюков выкриков прохожих

Но доселе не меняет меня, я один и тот же

Не рисуй меня себе опять каким-то нехорошим

Как у Такеши Китано на уме вас потревожить

Добрый вечер, мама, я — панама да ладоши

Те же, что тянулись к небу, но веду себя неладно

Но ты всё равно мне говоришь опять, что я хороший


Ты-ка догадайся, это непросто

Намеренно нас ли травили звёзды

Сорвали вуали, злоба убеги

От лукавого нас предостереги

По-видимому пока не дорос я

Судьба не позволит воротить носом

Там далеко — дети, старики

Там высоко — дети, старики

Ты-ка догадайся, это непросто

Намеренно нас ли травили звёзды

Сорвали вуали, злоба убеги

От лукавого нас предостереги

По-видимому пока не дорос я

Судьба не позволит воротить носом

Там далеко — дети, старики

Там высоко — дети, старики

Miyagi's song "Marlboro" is a deep dive into the thoughts and feelings of the lyrical hero, reflecting on life, fate, and battling inner demons.

The image of a girl lighting a Marlboro while sobbing paints a picture of despair and emotional pain. This could be a real girl or a metaphor for a difficult period in the hero's life.

Santa Barbara, mentioned at the beginning, alludes to the complexity and drama of the situation, like in the famous soap opera. The hero tries to understand himself and the situation, "racking his brain".

The courtyards where wild souls roam symbolize being lost, lonely, and wanting to break free from a vicious cycle.

The verses reveal the hero's inner world: he feels like an unnecessary musician surrounded by a fog of uncertainty. The images of "valleys", "wind", "forgotten overpasses" convey a sense of a path full of trials and dangers.

"Horror is reality," the hero confesses, talking about the hardships he has experienced and his proximity to the criminal world ("my brother grabbed the Nagant").

The clouds suffocating his soul are a metaphor for oppressive thoughts and worries. The hero tries to find meaning, "adding essence" and "driving away the routine", but faces the inevitability of fate ("guillotines of Armageddon").

The chorus appeals to higher powers, asking questions about predestination: "Did the stars intentionally poison us?". The hero is not sure if he is in control of his own life or is a puppet in someone else's hands. He acknowledges his immaturity ("apparently, I haven't grown up yet") and the impossibility of avoiding the trials that fate has in store for him.

The second verse continues to reveal the hero's personality: he is a creative person ("stuck in AKAI"), striving to leave his mark on the world. He does not want to change, remaining true to himself, despite external circumstances.

The image of Takeshi Kitano, a Japanese director known for his crime dramas, hints at a rebellious spirit and a desire to challenge society.

At the end of the song, the hero turns to his mother, seeking comfort and support. Despite his rebellious nature, he still needs love and recognition.

The song "Marlboro" is a multifaceted work full of metaphors and symbols. It makes you think about the meaning of life, the struggle between good and evil, and finding your place in the world.

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